This week in Sunday School I started teaching on Esther this is part one of two. Esther is a phenominal story. Take time to read it and this is the study to help you follow.
Esther was born Hadassah which is a Hebrew name. Her name probably changed to hide her identity of being of jewish descent. Her parents both died and she was adopted by Mordecai, her fathers uncle. The story transpired King Ahasuerus, king of Persia served 180 as king and had a celebration lasting for 7 days. In this celebration he was basically showing off all of his belongings and his wife Queen Vashti. He ask Queen Vashti to come out so that he could show her off. She refused. She didnt want to be shown of as something materialistic. Therefore, he had issued a divorce and it was put into the law. He then summoned all of the young maidens to come before him and be made up with makeup and fine fragerances. Esther went in with, with the other young maidens and the king found favor in her. Chose her to marry, therefore she became queen. The Book of Esther is amazing! There are so many twists and turns its amazing to read. I encourage you to read the book of Esther in the Bible, and then use this as a tool for study.
The book of Esther is the only book in the Bible where God's name or even a prayer of God, isnt mentioned. However, God is present in every scene and in the movement of every event until He proves Himself Lord of His people. Which can relate to us because God may at times seem distant. He is always there. The book of Esther, is written from the perspective of Gods prescense.
In the study of Esther, it is much easter to understand what I mean by saying written from the perspective of Gods prescense when we understand that God is invisible to us, but always invincible. Gods not being mentioned shows us that Gods voice isnt as eloqent as His silence. We long and look for a word from God, a glimpse of His power, reassurance of His presence and it seems, at times so distant. Yet later, we realize how very present His was all a long.
I want to really look at God's prescence in our lives seeing as how He isnt mentioned in the book of Esther. Its heavily disputed that the book of Esther had anything to do with the works of God, I want everyone to understand that yes, definatly He was.
First we have to gain a deeper understanding of God.
-Paul wrote a letter to the Romans (Romans 11:33) "Oh the depth fo the riches both the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgements and unfathomable ways"
A) God has a mind. This is described in the content just mentioned as unsearchable.
unsearchable means - to defy the human mind to find the depths of the mind of God they are
B)In Isaiah 55:9 God tells Isaiah "my thoughts are higher than your thoughts" which means:
Gods thoughts are beyond our ability to comprehend.
The power of God is soverign control. In the midst of the events of our day to day lives, we find ourselves baffles, wondering 'how can I?' Always, remind yourself Gods soverign power is already at work.
In Daniel 4:35 "and all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing. But He does according to His will. ((His unfathomable will, guided by His unsearchable mind)); in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him ' what hast thou done"
He is here with you on your personal pilgramage. All the scriptures listed, is explaining to us that we are not able to understand the way God thinks, the way He works, and no one can question Him. NOONE is on His level. He is God. Soverign. Mighty. Powerful. Omnipetant.
Seeing the invisible work of God:
This little girl, Esther lost her parents, an orphan, yet years later would become the key to the very survical of her people. The Jews. God and God alone can do such things. He does do such things working silently, invisibly behind all events. Anyone who has ever experianced brokeness, a discolored past, left feeling there is no way in the world God can make reason out of circumstance, can gain great peace from Esthers story.
What happened to Esther, all began on a regular ordinary ho, hum day. Ordinary days can become extra extraordinary and change the course of our lives and the lives around us.
Chapter 2 shows us 6 characteristics of strenght and dignitiy Esther exhibited:
she told noone she was a Jew because Mordecai told her not to. Verbal restraint is quickly
becoming a forgotten virtue - she could keep a secret. We live in a no holds barred world
everyone tells all (look at tabloids, talk shows, and everywhere around you)
Esther was still willing to listen and learn, regardless when she became queen. Are you still
open to being taught?
no job, no responsibility, no holding back in any area, she wasnt responsible for daily activity,
meal cooking, cleaning the emphasis was on maintaining physical beauty, she could have
had anything she wanted but instead remained true to who she was, what she was taught and
abided by Mordecais counsel, not succombing to temptation around her.
(2:15;16-17) definition of winsomeness: being pleasant, delightful, attractive, in a sweet way
people were drawn to her charming, gracious, sweet spirit
many people seem to think when you marry or move out on your own you no longer need to
follow parental advice. Our culture says 'do what you want when you want' yet, Esther
queen of the land rememberd the wisdom of her guardian and willingly considered his counsel
Chapter 3
We come across a period of silence where the king is promoting Haman we read as the plot thickens thinking, NO! Such periods of silence God is at work. Life is often sustained by these periods of silence. They are just as important as when he speaks, more painful yes. But, significant. His soverignty takes time to unfold. Turning points in life and significant events are often subtle.
-a sensitive heart is requred to detect these changes
-remember, there is no such thing as luck or coincidence, as a christian.
-Dont try to fight it, its Gods way of lifting the fog
-"we walk by faith not by sight' (2 Corinthians 5:7)
God gave us a mind, a reason and a unique sense of sensitivity. Each person is tuned in differently. God wants to reveal His will to you and teach you while you are waiting.
If God gave us everything on a silver platter, how would that bring glory to Him?
How would that show us His awesome power?
So, you ask How do I do that?
-get into His word
-get on your knees and pray
-accept counsel from balanced believers
-and wait.
Patience is something that is learned and earned. We definatly arent born with great patience however, in these times of stillness God teaches us those.
Now Chapter 4
Mordecai never even entertained doubt that the Jews would survive. He was convinced that God wouldnt let HIs people be wiped off Earth.
Look at Mordecai's involvement:
He was a messanger to Esther convincing her and advising her.
- How often do we find ourselves in the position of "should I get involved, its none of my business really, or who am I to tell them what to do?"
If God moves you to get involved to aid in accomplishing His will, Do it.
What if Mordecai didnt? We cannot sit around and wait on flashes of lightening we have to be ready and available to answer when God calls. One person can make a difference. Mordecai did. Esther did. Christ did.
How to do it:
1 Quit fretting about your own personal self
2 Stop worrying about what others think. Remember you dont answer to them, you answer to Him.
Only when we move from the safe harbour of theory, to the risky world of reality do we actually make a difference.
3 You may only be one, but you are one.
Not until you realize and believe that one person can make a difference will we be willing to risk.
Chapter 5
Haman is building looming gallows for Moredacai. In the end it back fires on him.
But, in your life - what might looming gallows be? Horrible pain, A relationship that is fractured beyond repair? A sudden loss leaving you gripped by grief? Career uncertainty? Financial catastrophe? We have to pause and discover God is God. We have to stop reaching into our own treasure basket of security and pulling the strings our self. We have to stop ignoring reality and making excuses.
Remember, god is immortal. Invinsible, and always at work. Even if we cant see His work unfolding before our eyes, we have to be convinced that God is working. We have to pray and admit that he is working amid the gallows of our lives.
If we allow our anger and grudges to fester as Haman's did making plans for revenge we quite likely end up doing horrible things. For this reason , God invaded our polluted world in person. Jesus Christ. He opened the door to forgiveness on the cross, waiting for us to walk through it. We cannot escape the pain and evil in this life, but Gods grace sees beyond our deepest needs. He meets us where we are.
Chp 6 + 7
1: with haman it is displayed what goes around, comes around
2: when God seems absent - he is present
God will have His way. He is not impressed with earthly kingdoms personal towers, pride and prestige, wealth or fame. He is impressed with a humble heart that comes to Him on His terms. Mordecai and Esther know this, Haman, never learned.
He has never turned His back on anyone who truly comes to Him by way of the cross. Hes available. Dont put it off like Haman did.
3: Even when you think you have lost it all, God uses it as opprotunity to awaken you to realization. He is still in charge, as well as to bring us to our knees.
4: He knows your heart. He knows the true condition of your soul. He knows even the impurities of your motives. He has heard you and will not turn you away.
Chapter 8:1-4
Remeber mighty King what a changed heart!!!! THere is no heart so stubborn that GOd cannot penetrate it. No will is so determined that GOd cannot break through it, noone no matter who or how powerful.
Chp 8:5-6 Esther is pleading with the king
Chp 8:7-8 the decree is being over written - what this means to us:
Are we willing and worthwhile to stand against wrong laws? We should fight to affirm the truth because in vs 9-10 its done. She stood up for what she believed and it helped It worked!~!!!!!
In chp 8:15-17
Mordecai goes out in royal linens with a large crown, the gloom was lifted. Do you live in a place of gloom and darkness where laughter does not echo off the walls? Has your life become grim? While others go home to the love and warmth of a family you go home with an awful memory of a broken relationship, remourse, or guilt or maybe all of them? Do you look with a longing at a scene like this with Esther? The priniciples of Esther are still at work today. THis is life, relevant today as when it was first recorded. THis is written to people who face intimidating stubborn souls. Perhaps you live with them, are married to them,its one of your grown children. Its also for those who live within thick stone walls of depression and doom. There is hope.
Walls fall every day but we cannot predict when yours will be falling, God is in the business of breaking down walls. THe wall could possibly be your own personal will. THis is why when we begin studying, I mention the sovereignty of God., This is where it shows. AW Tozer says 'its doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.: Painful, it is. But, HE will bring you to your knees It shows us that the way we live our life ver few can tell it because we are stubborn, We are no match for GOd. He will break us, bend us , and even crush us if necessary. He wants your heart...
Psalms 30:5 tells us "weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning"
How can we put this to work? We have to have the prescense of the Saviour and the perspective of the cross alive and at work in our lives. We have to have the Lord living, and operating in masterful control.
Chapter 9- there is much to be learned in this chapter. Its the good bye pain and fear hello relief and pleasure. We Christians, seem to handle pain better than pleasure. We expect stress and anxiety. Reward and relief, well that dont come very naturally. We have to quit dwelling on our past, press on with our future. Phillipians 3:13-14 says ...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on"
9:1 it is referred to twice to gaining "the mastery" over one another which emphasises a switch in who help the upper hand. After the passin of Hamans edict the gentiles had gained mastery over the Jews and waited for the day they could attack then the tables suddenly turned. Mordecai's edict passes and the Jews gain mastery without limits. They consider taking advantage of opprotunity and get back, or get even. They did defend themselves and inflicted just punishment, but they were not out of control.
read 9:2-10
the last phrase of vs 10 they had freedom take the spoils form those that had went against them but they didnt. They defended themselves and nothing more.
THe king seems surprised that the jew have killed 500 men in Susa. We would expect the king to say thats enough kill noone else, but he trusts Esther. He relies on and respects his wife and her counsel. HEr opinion mattered, greatly to him. Her inner strenth had been displayed. They way she handled her concern regarding Hamans plan. Ahsuerus knew she was a woman of enourmous character. Remember the proverbs 31 woman "the heart of her husband trusts her"
9:13-14 she has guts thats for sure she shows strength in her response. She ask for 1 more day then ask that hamans 10 sons who had already been killed be impalled on the galls in which their father built Since they were already dead she is saying what those men and their father stood for will never be allowed again.
Belivers we need to remember Romans 12 3 things:
1 we are to be different from the world (romans 12:1-2)
-Donot be conformed to the world. Donot take your cues from what the world would do because when people of the world are offended the world will retaliate. The world does not forgive. Christians are to be different
2 we are members of the same family (romans 12:3-5)
remember we are not in charge. THis is the family of God So we cannot try to take charge of someone we cant handle the control Take your personal feelings of retaliation to God ask Him to enable you to have self control
3 the Lord is our defender. (romans 12:17-21)
-dont carry out your own revenge Let God be your defender
Until we fully forgive our offenders, one by one, will we gain mastery over those tendancies withing ourselves.
A little orphan girl crowned queen. Ahsuerus delighted, Mordacai pleased. Esther surprised. The nation rejoices. But then comes an evil interlude that disrupts everything. We shouldnt be surprised it happens in life. Time after time after time. NOt even in biblical days did people live, happily ever after.
we can thank Esther for the reminder. GOd may seem so distant and uninvolved but, He is neither. His hand moves invisibly- with invisibility bringing HIs sovereign hand to completion. Just remember God is preparing a woman of courage, like Esther to play a role of immense importance where no other woman but she accomplish.
This blogpage was started for those wonderful women in my Sunday School class so they wouldnt ever have to miss a lesson, and for anyone to enjoy! "The Lord's lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. The are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion' says my soul, 'therefore I have hope in Him' Lamentations 22-24
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A Mary heart in a Martha world
A Mary Heart in a Martha World - The tale of two sisters
Recently I taught a Sunday School lesson on Mary of Bethany and Martha, her sister. Its a compelling, convicting lesson for women because we are always trying to do it all, and want to share it with all who wish to hear.
First read:
Luke 10:38-42 John 11:1-44 John 12:1-11
Have you ever tried to do it all?
The story of conflict we feel as a woman. You have Martha, I picture Martha Stewart, Tidy house, china, all the cookbooks out, cooking every recipe in them, gorgeous fresh cut flowers all around in her starched dress and apron - after working 9 hours at her job, taking the kids everywhere from A-Z, Miss hostess. So little time.
Where is Mary? Her sister. As Martha is busy preparing and slaving away in the kitchen, men are gathered in the living room, and there is Mary. Literally, she is sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Life is often like this for us. God often puts people with such different personalities in the same family. Mary meanders around through life stopping to smell the roses, and Martha cuts the roses making beautiful arrangements with them.
Jesus knew Martha would never be Mary, nor Mary like Martha. They both faced having the same choice - work or worship. Regardless of our different spiritual gift or personality, its a choice we make. Personality wise it may become easier to Mary than Martha. Its easy to get caught up in the "do's" of the day.
Mary's heart:
Jesus probably stopped by unexpectedly. Mary standing by as all the men take off their back packs, bags and all. Such joy, Mary is drawn to Him. Speechless. Unable to move. She asks herself, Could Jesus be the Messiah people say He is? She knew he was a great teacher but, this- it could possibly be the Son of God! She creeps closer - listening. Mary knows there is plenty to do. But she can't move, except closer to Jesus.
Martha's mind:
So, in our lives an unexpected visitor stops by. What do you do? You've worked all day, havent gotten supper ready, laundry everywhere, toys, dirty dishes OH MY! Do I make tea, coffee, cookies??
Now, if it was King Jesus???
Everyday in our lives, work and worship collide. Legitimate needs surround us, compelling us to work. You hear God's tender call to come away, you respond "yes Lord" then the phone rings, you forgot to pick up milk, supper is burning. Suddenly, all of those good intentions disappear. We have constant tension between urgent and important. The problem is the important tasks rarely must be done today, or even this week. Extra hours of prayer or bible study will just have to wait. You simply cant find the time, the urgent tasks call for immediate action. Endless demands, pressure every hour, every day. Familiar?
Jesus is our supreme example. He is never in a hurry. He knew who he was and where he was going and wasnt held hostage by the worlds demands or even desperate needs. He told his disciples " I will only only do what The Father tells me to do."
Jesus invites us to share this intimacy. To know Him. To see Him so clearly that when we look upon Him, we see the face of God as well. Just as he welcomed Mary to sit at his feet in the living room- Just as He invited Martha to see the better part. Jesus bids us to come. In obiediance to His invitation we find the key to our lonings, the secret to living beyond the daily pressures that would otherwise tear us apart. As we learn what it means to choose the better part of intimacy with Christ, we begin to be changed.
Our Saviour, excepts us for who we are, Mary or Martha, or a combination of both. He loves us too much to leave us that way. He is THE ONE who can give us a Mary heart in a Martha world.
This transformation is exactly what we see in the continuing stories or Mary of Bethany and Martha. Martha doesnt lay aside her personality, hobbies, and burn her cookbooks to worship Jesus. She recieves Jesus' rebuke and learns there is time for work and worship. Martha in the later gospel is no longer frantic and resentful but full of faith and trust. Mary changes too, although a natural worshipper she is vunerable to despair, she finally realized Jesus' time is short, she steps forward and seizes the opprotunity to serve.
Busyness, by itself Breeds distraction.
Luke 10:38 shows a woman with the gift of hospitality. Martha opens her home to Jesus but, that doesnt mean she opens her heart. In her eagerness to serve Jesus, she almost missed the opprotunity to KNOW HIM.
Martha was distracted buy all the preperations that HAD to be done. Keyword: HAD
In Martha's mind nothing less than the very best would do she had to go all out for Jesus. We can get caught up in the same performance trap feeling as though we must prove our love for God, by doing great things for Him. So we rush through life to get busy implementing great ministries and wonderful projects all in effort to share the good news. We call Him "Lord, Lord" but will he know you?
The world applauds achievements - God desires compainionship.
The world says do more, be all you can be - God says "be still, and know that I am God"
He isnt looking for workers, He is looking for Sons and daughters. When we put our work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The horse must come first or we end up pulling our own cart. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under pressure of service for there is always something to do.
Some step up the pace, volunteering for everything and you find yourself starring into the night - wondering if this is all there is. Or prehaps you have withdrawn from service yet that peace and quiet you hoped for holds no peace, no quiet. This stillness, hasnt lead to a closer walk with God - just a sense of resentment. Your empty. You go to church, go through the motions of worship and you leave the same as you did when you came in.
The message is: salvation isnt about what you do - Its about what Jesus did. The cross paid for more than my sins, it set me free. From the bondage of the "shoulds,if onlys, and what might have beens."
Jesus words to martha are the words he wants to speak to us. You are worried and upset about many thing, but only one thing is needed. The one thing is not found in doing more, its about sitting at His feet. The only requirement for friendship with God is showing up with an open heart- ready to recieve.
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29 - "come to me all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gently and humble in heart. You will find rest for your souls."
Jesus invites us to come, rest spend time with him. Intimacy. Intimacy that allows us to hear our fathers voice and will. Intimacy that so fills us with His love and his nature that it spills out. We have to start just as Mary did. Right at the feet of Jesus.
3 Deadly D's:
Distraction, Discouragement, Doubt.
When Jesus met Martha she was distracted. Thats where Satan usually begins. He knows if we are so overly worried and bogged down by duties, chances are our heart will not hear our Saviors call. While distraction may not win the battle for our soul, getting our eyes off what is important will certainly make us more vunerable to attack.
KJV says that Martha was cumbered about much serving. Another way of saying distracted. Oxford dictionary deines the word cumber: To overwhelm, overthrow, destroy, to harass, distress,bother, or trouble.
When we are distracted , discouragement is usually around the corner. Weariness creeps in as life overpowers us and causes us to say and do things we usually would never do. Discouragement breaks down our perspective and our defenses. Though we may have just completed great things for God, weary discouragement tells us we are useless, hopeless and abandoned.
Self pity is a lonely occupation. Failure is almost iminent. Its easier to hide than face life head on. We easily become downhearted and downright depressed. Discouragement drains us of all hope and vison of our dreams.
5 strategy's to fight discouragement;
1-allow for rest stops - discouragement is our bodies way of saying "stop, I need rest!"
Exodus 34:21
2-Get a new point of view - take a few steps back ask God to help you see his perspective on your situation, often what we see as a mountain is a stepping stone to Him. (Isaiah 33:17)
3-Have patience. Its easy to get discouraged when things dont go the way we plan but when you have commited your concerns to the Lord, rest assured He is at work even when you can see His hand (Romans 8:28)
4-Mingle. discouragement feeds off isolation. Get out of the house! visit some friends good ole' fashion fellowship can lift your spirit and chase away the blues. (psalm 133:1)
5- Set the timer. Ok so things arent so good. set a timer for 10 minutes. Have a good cry when the buzzer sounds, blow your nose wipe your eyes- surrender the situation to God and MOVE ON! (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
What we can learn from Martha:
1-She took her complaint directly to Jesus, when she was upset that Mary wasnt helping out.
That tells us, if we have someone in our life causing trouble rather than expressing our grievance to anyone who will listen - TAKE IT TO JESUS. Matthew 7:7 says "ask and it will be given to you"
The greek form of the word ASK implies 'keep on asking'. He is never to busy to hear our hearts. We cant wear Him out.
2-Jesus really cares about what concerns us "cast your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7
3-Jesus loves us. Enough to confront us when our attitude is wrong. "those whom I love I rebuke and discipline." Revelations 3:19
Bad things happen to good people. Real problems occur. Jesus knew a life filled with fear. Without faith we cannot please God or draw close to Him for comfort.
Gratitude is important. it has the power to change our
When we are giving thanks to God in all things, not just some things. Something shifts. we begin to see life as Christ sees - full of opprotunity rather than obstacles.
Serving God:
Service for God is not unimportant. James 2:17 "faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead" Serving God and others is really important. Hard work is often part of what we are called to do. he Bible says "whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Ecclesiastes 9:10.
While there are many things that need to be done, dont find yourself knee deep in another project or too exhausted from our latest goings on to do what God wants us to do. Service was never suppose to be our first priority or first order of business.
If you struggle to stay at His feet, ask the Lord to reveal what is hindering you. There is no reason to lay aside your intellect or personality, come as you are. A child of God. Galations 3:1,3 tells us that Paul sent a wake up letter to his beloved church in Galations and he called the Judaizers' gospel slavery and added "you foolish Galations who has bewitched you after beginning with the spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? "
If we arent careful, we can fall prey to the same kind of lies the Galations fell for, that tells us we must perform in order to earn Gods love. The Bible is clear God created us to fellowship, he longs to pour out his very life into us to give us inheritance.
Never confuse duty with devotion.
Warning signs of Martha overload:
-There should not be any limits to what I can do
-I have the capacity to help everyone
-I am the oly person available to help
-i must never make a mistake
-I have the availablity to change another person
Exodus 18:17-18 says: "what you are doing is not good.. you will only wear yourself out. The work is too heavy for you. You cannot handle it alone.
Fair or not fair, equal or unequal we weigh it all if we arent careful our view on the world can become distorted. Every little word can take hidden meaning. Each action seems like a personal attack. If you look for injustice. You usually can find it.
Satan enjoys using our hectic schedules, stressed bodies and emotional upsets in his efforts to put up barriers to our intimacy with God. Thats why we need to take a close look at any thought, feeling, or activity that diminishes our appetite for intimacy with God. Watch out for those '3 deadly D's' I mentioned earlier.
Want more?
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver - 12 week Bible study
available at Lifeway.
Recently I taught a Sunday School lesson on Mary of Bethany and Martha, her sister. Its a compelling, convicting lesson for women because we are always trying to do it all, and want to share it with all who wish to hear.
First read:
Luke 10:38-42 John 11:1-44 John 12:1-11
Have you ever tried to do it all?
The story of conflict we feel as a woman. You have Martha, I picture Martha Stewart, Tidy house, china, all the cookbooks out, cooking every recipe in them, gorgeous fresh cut flowers all around in her starched dress and apron - after working 9 hours at her job, taking the kids everywhere from A-Z, Miss hostess. So little time.
Where is Mary? Her sister. As Martha is busy preparing and slaving away in the kitchen, men are gathered in the living room, and there is Mary. Literally, she is sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Life is often like this for us. God often puts people with such different personalities in the same family. Mary meanders around through life stopping to smell the roses, and Martha cuts the roses making beautiful arrangements with them.
Jesus knew Martha would never be Mary, nor Mary like Martha. They both faced having the same choice - work or worship. Regardless of our different spiritual gift or personality, its a choice we make. Personality wise it may become easier to Mary than Martha. Its easy to get caught up in the "do's" of the day.
Mary's heart:
Jesus probably stopped by unexpectedly. Mary standing by as all the men take off their back packs, bags and all. Such joy, Mary is drawn to Him. Speechless. Unable to move. She asks herself, Could Jesus be the Messiah people say He is? She knew he was a great teacher but, this- it could possibly be the Son of God! She creeps closer - listening. Mary knows there is plenty to do. But she can't move, except closer to Jesus.
Martha's mind:
So, in our lives an unexpected visitor stops by. What do you do? You've worked all day, havent gotten supper ready, laundry everywhere, toys, dirty dishes OH MY! Do I make tea, coffee, cookies??
Now, if it was King Jesus???
Everyday in our lives, work and worship collide. Legitimate needs surround us, compelling us to work. You hear God's tender call to come away, you respond "yes Lord" then the phone rings, you forgot to pick up milk, supper is burning. Suddenly, all of those good intentions disappear. We have constant tension between urgent and important. The problem is the important tasks rarely must be done today, or even this week. Extra hours of prayer or bible study will just have to wait. You simply cant find the time, the urgent tasks call for immediate action. Endless demands, pressure every hour, every day. Familiar?
Jesus is our supreme example. He is never in a hurry. He knew who he was and where he was going and wasnt held hostage by the worlds demands or even desperate needs. He told his disciples " I will only only do what The Father tells me to do."
Jesus invites us to share this intimacy. To know Him. To see Him so clearly that when we look upon Him, we see the face of God as well. Just as he welcomed Mary to sit at his feet in the living room- Just as He invited Martha to see the better part. Jesus bids us to come. In obiediance to His invitation we find the key to our lonings, the secret to living beyond the daily pressures that would otherwise tear us apart. As we learn what it means to choose the better part of intimacy with Christ, we begin to be changed.
Our Saviour, excepts us for who we are, Mary or Martha, or a combination of both. He loves us too much to leave us that way. He is THE ONE who can give us a Mary heart in a Martha world.
This transformation is exactly what we see in the continuing stories or Mary of Bethany and Martha. Martha doesnt lay aside her personality, hobbies, and burn her cookbooks to worship Jesus. She recieves Jesus' rebuke and learns there is time for work and worship. Martha in the later gospel is no longer frantic and resentful but full of faith and trust. Mary changes too, although a natural worshipper she is vunerable to despair, she finally realized Jesus' time is short, she steps forward and seizes the opprotunity to serve.
Busyness, by itself Breeds distraction.
Luke 10:38 shows a woman with the gift of hospitality. Martha opens her home to Jesus but, that doesnt mean she opens her heart. In her eagerness to serve Jesus, she almost missed the opprotunity to KNOW HIM.
Martha was distracted buy all the preperations that HAD to be done. Keyword: HAD
In Martha's mind nothing less than the very best would do she had to go all out for Jesus. We can get caught up in the same performance trap feeling as though we must prove our love for God, by doing great things for Him. So we rush through life to get busy implementing great ministries and wonderful projects all in effort to share the good news. We call Him "Lord, Lord" but will he know you?
The world applauds achievements - God desires compainionship.
The world says do more, be all you can be - God says "be still, and know that I am God"
He isnt looking for workers, He is looking for Sons and daughters. When we put our work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The horse must come first or we end up pulling our own cart. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under pressure of service for there is always something to do.
Some step up the pace, volunteering for everything and you find yourself starring into the night - wondering if this is all there is. Or prehaps you have withdrawn from service yet that peace and quiet you hoped for holds no peace, no quiet. This stillness, hasnt lead to a closer walk with God - just a sense of resentment. Your empty. You go to church, go through the motions of worship and you leave the same as you did when you came in.
The message is: salvation isnt about what you do - Its about what Jesus did. The cross paid for more than my sins, it set me free. From the bondage of the "shoulds,if onlys, and what might have beens."
Jesus words to martha are the words he wants to speak to us. You are worried and upset about many thing, but only one thing is needed. The one thing is not found in doing more, its about sitting at His feet. The only requirement for friendship with God is showing up with an open heart- ready to recieve.
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29 - "come to me all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gently and humble in heart. You will find rest for your souls."
Jesus invites us to come, rest spend time with him. Intimacy. Intimacy that allows us to hear our fathers voice and will. Intimacy that so fills us with His love and his nature that it spills out. We have to start just as Mary did. Right at the feet of Jesus.
3 Deadly D's:
Distraction, Discouragement, Doubt.
When Jesus met Martha she was distracted. Thats where Satan usually begins. He knows if we are so overly worried and bogged down by duties, chances are our heart will not hear our Saviors call. While distraction may not win the battle for our soul, getting our eyes off what is important will certainly make us more vunerable to attack.
KJV says that Martha was cumbered about much serving. Another way of saying distracted. Oxford dictionary deines the word cumber: To overwhelm, overthrow, destroy, to harass, distress,bother, or trouble.
When we are distracted , discouragement is usually around the corner. Weariness creeps in as life overpowers us and causes us to say and do things we usually would never do. Discouragement breaks down our perspective and our defenses. Though we may have just completed great things for God, weary discouragement tells us we are useless, hopeless and abandoned.
Self pity is a lonely occupation. Failure is almost iminent. Its easier to hide than face life head on. We easily become downhearted and downright depressed. Discouragement drains us of all hope and vison of our dreams.
5 strategy's to fight discouragement;
1-allow for rest stops - discouragement is our bodies way of saying "stop, I need rest!"
Exodus 34:21
2-Get a new point of view - take a few steps back ask God to help you see his perspective on your situation, often what we see as a mountain is a stepping stone to Him. (Isaiah 33:17)
3-Have patience. Its easy to get discouraged when things dont go the way we plan but when you have commited your concerns to the Lord, rest assured He is at work even when you can see His hand (Romans 8:28)
4-Mingle. discouragement feeds off isolation. Get out of the house! visit some friends good ole' fashion fellowship can lift your spirit and chase away the blues. (psalm 133:1)
5- Set the timer. Ok so things arent so good. set a timer for 10 minutes. Have a good cry when the buzzer sounds, blow your nose wipe your eyes- surrender the situation to God and MOVE ON! (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
What we can learn from Martha:
1-She took her complaint directly to Jesus, when she was upset that Mary wasnt helping out.
That tells us, if we have someone in our life causing trouble rather than expressing our grievance to anyone who will listen - TAKE IT TO JESUS. Matthew 7:7 says "ask and it will be given to you"
The greek form of the word ASK implies 'keep on asking'. He is never to busy to hear our hearts. We cant wear Him out.
2-Jesus really cares about what concerns us "cast your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7
3-Jesus loves us. Enough to confront us when our attitude is wrong. "those whom I love I rebuke and discipline." Revelations 3:19
Bad things happen to good people. Real problems occur. Jesus knew a life filled with fear. Without faith we cannot please God or draw close to Him for comfort.
Gratitude is important. it has the power to change our
When we are giving thanks to God in all things, not just some things. Something shifts. we begin to see life as Christ sees - full of opprotunity rather than obstacles.
Serving God:
Service for God is not unimportant. James 2:17 "faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead" Serving God and others is really important. Hard work is often part of what we are called to do. he Bible says "whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Ecclesiastes 9:10.
While there are many things that need to be done, dont find yourself knee deep in another project or too exhausted from our latest goings on to do what God wants us to do. Service was never suppose to be our first priority or first order of business.
If you struggle to stay at His feet, ask the Lord to reveal what is hindering you. There is no reason to lay aside your intellect or personality, come as you are. A child of God. Galations 3:1,3 tells us that Paul sent a wake up letter to his beloved church in Galations and he called the Judaizers' gospel slavery and added "you foolish Galations who has bewitched you after beginning with the spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? "
If we arent careful, we can fall prey to the same kind of lies the Galations fell for, that tells us we must perform in order to earn Gods love. The Bible is clear God created us to fellowship, he longs to pour out his very life into us to give us inheritance.
Never confuse duty with devotion.
Warning signs of Martha overload:
-There should not be any limits to what I can do
-I have the capacity to help everyone
-I am the oly person available to help
-i must never make a mistake
-I have the availablity to change another person
Exodus 18:17-18 says: "what you are doing is not good.. you will only wear yourself out. The work is too heavy for you. You cannot handle it alone.
Fair or not fair, equal or unequal we weigh it all if we arent careful our view on the world can become distorted. Every little word can take hidden meaning. Each action seems like a personal attack. If you look for injustice. You usually can find it.
Satan enjoys using our hectic schedules, stressed bodies and emotional upsets in his efforts to put up barriers to our intimacy with God. Thats why we need to take a close look at any thought, feeling, or activity that diminishes our appetite for intimacy with God. Watch out for those '3 deadly D's' I mentioned earlier.
Want more?
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver - 12 week Bible study
available at Lifeway.
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