Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Read a new book.. 'of the i zing' is what The Holy Spirit revealed to me...

As I flip on the tv, check facebook I realize that there are so many problems in day to day life. I am utterly appaled at some of the goings on. We all have our problems.

My hubby watches Fox News, well pretty much all the time therefore I get to watch also. They were advertising Laura Ingram's new book "of the I zing" It was a must have for me, it sounded so appealing. The first few chapters I flip through and find it comical. Then I get halfway through the book, the same week I am studying and preparing for the lesson on Controlling the Tongue. Boy, did I ever get convicted. The book is about America's cultural decline. In the book she discusses everything from muffin tops to body shots, piercings, tatatoos, technology, and the fact Todays world, kiddos dont know how to talk. She has basicaly compiled a book of everything gone wrong with our country. THen it hit me, a talebearer. We are all aware of culture around us and we all have our faults. But who I am to go around pointing out flaws of those around me. And she has written it in a book, which I have spent money to read...gee.. not good. How she can still have friends is beyond me. How many people has she hurt by writing this? Can you imagine being listed with a character flaw in a book for someone to profit off of?

Moral of the story, I must apply my christian values even in my book purchases. There is nothing about this book that is going to bring glory to God. And I am very sorry that I purchased it. As I have read it and found humor in it, I have made comedy out of peoples character flaws.

Scripture clearly tells us not to judge others, not to talebear. I have clear cut allowed this to be entered into my mind...more clutter.

God tells me to clear the clutter, sanctify myself to bring glory to him.

Just goes to show, we all make mistakes. We all fall short, we all have short comings. We need to filter more than just our tongue, but what we put in our minds.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

what message are you sending? Controlling The Tongue Proverbs Lesson 3

As a christian, we are walking talking billboards for Jesus Christ. We always need to keep that in mind. What we say, wear, and do are all reflections on our Saviour, Jesus. What message are you sending?This past weeks Sunday School lesson, was a lesson about Controlling The Tongue as we continue in Proverbs.

This lesson was one I have to say that was very hard for me, that is an area in which I struggle. As i studied and dug so much was revealed to me. Especially, knowing I cannot control it. Not just me, all of us. The only way the tongue can be controlled is by God.

In class, we covered many scriptures just in Proverbs that tell us exactly what not to, and what to do I will share some of those covered here, with you.

First we need to understand that our speech is a gift from God.
THe ability to speak comes so naturally to us that we are apt to forget what a miracle it is. Language is not something cultural such as learning to tell time, count money , it is a distinct piece of our biological makeup.
In the beginning, God created Adam and then Eve..made in HIS image. He who is perfect flawless, all knowing, He who communicates, therefore human beings were given the gift of speech. GOd created Adam and Eve for God to commune with.
Proverbs 16:1 "the answer of the tongue is from the Lord"

Proverbs 10:20 "the tongue of the righteous is as choice silver, the heart of the wicked is worth little"

The images used indicate the value of this divine ability of speaking that we have. NOt only do we take it for granted but, all too often we waste and abuse.

We have all heard the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
However decided to make that one up, well I dont know why they ever did. Thinking back just to my childhood how someone could say something to me, how badly it hurt and to this day, I can still remember it.

Proverbs 10:11 "the mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence."
Proverbs 18:4 "the words of a mans mouth are deep waters, the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook"

This tells us that words of the wise are like refreshing water. When we listen to wise (godly) people its like taking a drink of refreshing water.
Proverbs 13:4 "the teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, to turn aside from the snares of death"
Its simply not enough for a wise person to speak, we have to listen.
Think about it this way, we get a new rose bush we go out to plant it, do we simply stick it on top of the ground? Would it grow? NO. It would wither and die. Even if its watered, its not going to do much good. Being said, the ground has to be 'prepared' for our plant to survive and then has to be feed. As do our hearts. Often we hear children say and mutter silly things, and take it lightly, well because they are kids. Which techinically means they are immature. THey have not been involved in life to reach a level of maturity to know what is right and wrong to say yet. Adults we often fail to control our tongue. At any physical age, its a sign of immaturity. Our tongue can get us into trouble.
so we should choose our words wisely.
Proverbs 21:23 "he who guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from troubles"

So have ya ever ran into or know someone that are always thinking of what to say next instead of prehaps listening? Proverbs 10:19 "when there are many words transgression is unavoidable but he who restrains his lips is wise"
--sometimes we just need to listen. say nothing, just listen.

We hurt others by gossiping, lying, and by flattery. Proverbs 11:13 ' a talebearer reveals secrets but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter" Proverbs 20:19 ' he who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips"(NKJV)

talebearer, or gossiper.. enjoys his secrets as most enjoy food. THe words of a gossip are like choice morsels - they go down to a mans inmost parts" Proverbs 18:18....yep it hurts.
we have to be aware of gossip. Its so easy to get caught up in conversation and we cant hurt others so badly by doing so. Prov 20:19 'he who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips"

Flatter: the english words comes from a french word which means 'to stroke or caress with the flat of the hand' Flattery verses complimenting is different. Flattery is complimenting profusely, appealing to your ego- yet is far from sincere.
Proverbs gives distinct warning in Proverbs 29:5 ' a man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet"

Ponder that verse for a second, we all secretly enjoy flattery and dislike rebuke yet rebuke... does us more good. We have to be aware of insincerity its typically selfish motives. In 14:20; 19:4-6 it tells us that people flatter the rich in hopes of obtaining something from them. In Proverbs 5:3 7:5 the prostitute seduces her prey by using flattery.

Lying; well.. we all know this one it is a 10 commandment Proverbs reinforces it in Proverbs 26:28 ' a lying tongue hates those who are crused by it and a flattering mouth works ruin.

we also hurt people by speaking in anger.
Did your mom ever say, 'if you dont have anything nice to say - dont say anything at all?" mine did. and with good reason.
Many people carry anger within their hearts while covering their anger pretending to be at peace with their family friends, lives, careers and it comes out in ways that are fervent and hypocritical. THe scripture tells us to cover our sins with sincere love. 'hatred stirs up strife but love covers all sins" Prov 10:12

God doesnt want us to hide orur sins from Him, Proverbs 28:13 tells us, love doesnt tell the sin to others. If we are angry with someone and he sins we are tempted to spread the news as a way of getting even. Which comes out.. all wroing.

Our earthly wisdom tells us to 'fight for our right', 'every disagreement should be win lose'

God is THE ONLY one who is able to control sustain our tongue so that it may glorify Him.
Psalm 59:12 'for the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride and for cursing and lying which they speak"
-we dont want on ourselves the condemnation David ask for his enemies in this Psalm

Here is an overview:
Speech is an awesome gift from God. Respect it.
Listen more, talk less.
Choose your words wisely, think before you speak.

We hurt others by:
Speaking in anger

We should:
speak softly, have a gentle spirit, and our speech should always bring glory to God.

Remember, we are walking talking billboards for Jesus- What message are you sending?

Closing: Father, Thank you for allowing me to understand and know how you expect me to use my tongue. I know that my tongue is not always what you want and desire for me to say. Father I ask for you to sustain my tongue in ways to glorify and honor you. In Jesus name...Amen.