Monday, October 24, 2011

Challenges and Struggles effecting our daily life

Each morning we get up, we are facing a new day with new challenges, wondering if what was happening yesterday is still there, is it still going to be a burden today as it was hoping that maybe that challenge or obstacle has disappeared or maybe it was just a dream. We realize as the day goes on, it was no dream its reality. How can I possibly deal with this problem, I just dont know if I am able to face it and move forward and progress into this happy life I see so many people around me having.

Is this you? Are you struggling in areas of life that are holding you back? Are you holding onto failures, dilemmas, problems of yesterday? If you woke up this morning, its a new day and can hold new hope, so I ask you today.. what have you done differently today than you did yesterday?

Why is it in life when things are bad, we find ourselves asking God why its happened yet not searching ourselves our decision making, our life problems we dont talk to Him about? God doesnt want you in that pit of dispair.
Deuteronomy 30:20 "BY loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by HOLDING FAST to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days that you may live in the land which The Lord swore to your fathers"

The promised land, the land of milk and honey. The life. If you are choosing to live life through your own decisions, your own fleshly way isnt it time to change? Isnt it time to let God drive for awhile? God has not foresaken you. He never will. You choose to make your own decision to live your life in the way you think is best. Make a change today! Follow the way of God, seek Him, Seek His Will His way His Council let Him drive! When we live life walking in faith, we reap the abundant blessings of God. Until you step out of that wonder world, pit, your in He cant help you. Start anew today!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Its all about Jesus

In Sunday School, we are going through The Book of Colossians. Colossians is a very deep, in depth book that can be easily misunderstood. There is so much 'meat' to the book! I am trying my best to convey the study to share on this blog, however its hard to convey even in class much less on paper. I hope you can get something out of it.

Colossians 1:13-20

False teachers in Colassae, like those today wouldn’t deny the importance of Jesus Christ. They would simply dethrone Him. In their philosophy, Jesus was one of many emanations or ways that proceeded from God and through which mean could reach God. The gnostic teachers believed in an organization of evil spirits like angels, arch angels, principalities, and powers that supposibily controlled the world. Paul is addressing these issues Head on and hitting them hard. He is telling in the verses that we will be studying today that Jesus Christ is The Reason for everything. He is the only Way to God, the only way to heaven.PERIOD.

Greek philosophers at this time were teaching that everything needed a primary cause, and instrumental cause, and a final cause.

Paul is exclusive in making sure that all of these ‘causes’ were addressed.
The primary cause – is the plan {{He planned it}}
The instrumental cause – the power {{He produced it}}
The final cause – the purpose {{{He did it for His own pleasure

Everything God did and does was for Jesus.
Jesus is the Cause, The Effect, The Reason.

Mark 9:37 Jesus said “Whoever receives one child like this in my name receives Me, and whoever receives Me doesn’t receive Me, but Him who sent Me”

1:13a He has delivered us from the power of darkness (NKJV)

Look back at 1:12b share in the inheritance of the saints in the light (NASV)

Paul is using the reference of Darkness verses Light
Let’s look at a few characteristics of both and compare them.

Darkness Light
Satan’s Kingdom With the saints
sin surrounded by those
Error of God
Misery Regeneration
Death Life
Ignorance Love
Unbelief Closeness/Companion of God

The Power of Darkness – The power that once was exerted over us in that
Dark Kingdom, Satan’s Kingdom, as sinners prior to salvation we belonged to.

(( Acts 26:18 “to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me”))
((Luke 1:79 “To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace”))
((Romans 13:2 “Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves”
1:13b “and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His Love” NASV
NIV uses the wordage brought us in
Definition of transferred is to convey from one place or person another; to transport, remove, or cause to pass, to another place or person

Christians are removed. Belonging to a different community.
The act of transferring, bringing in, is regeneration.
-By Nature these things had uncontrollable power, now we are delivered from them and into Christ’s kingdom of glory. And Jesus paid the price for our sin.

With Human nature, even as a Christian we often find ourself in state of depression, darkness, bad situations. We have to tell ourselves that is not of God. God delivered us, transferred us to the New Kingdom giving us new hope, regeneration, and Power. THrough the power of God we are able to overcome these things because they are not of God. He enables us to do this! We just have to use the power God has already given us.

Vs 14.-------
NASV “In whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins.”
KJV “In whom we have redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of sins”
Redemption: Meaning “act of saving or being saved”

This verse is a blessing of Grace. Jesus paid the price of our sin with his blood, delivering us from sin, power, guild, and infection of sin. Christ took, put away, finished, made end of, freed us from the power of sin.

The grace of God in the hearts of believer is the power of God. There is glory in His power. The use of this strength was for sufferings. There is work to be done even when we are in times of suffering. Amidst all the trials, just like Paul who was imprisoned for preaching about Jesus, he still continued to give thanks to the Father whose grace filled them to partake in the inheritance.

Vs. 15
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Jesus, was God on Earth.

Paul uses the word ‘image’ to clarify this.
An image, or exact representation and revelation
JOHN: 14;9 ‘ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father”
Hebrews 1:3 ‘the express image of His person”

the first born over all creation…..

Firstborn..when we think of firstborn we think in the reference to time as the first one being born, this reference was to place or status. Meaning of first importance of first rank.

Even in old Hebrew custom the idea of firstborn did not require that one be the first son born ;it referred more to rank and priveledge not birth order.

This verse is a major verse for our belief in the Holy Trinity.
Because, Jesus is God but came in the form of Man.
The Holy Trinity is a mystery and not meant for us to attain full knowledge of how Jesus can be an exact image of God, yet His Son.

Vs 16…….”For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, All things were created through Him and for Him”

Now, this is also showing us how God created all things for Jesus and through Jesus. He used Jesus as a vessel for which we could see. Jesus is the sphere in which all things exist, the one for whom they were made and came into being. God’s love for His son is defined in these verses, a love beyond our comprehension but many of us as mothers know our love for our children is just beyond words explainable how much we love our children. He adored Him. Hand picked His earthly mother, sent Him here, watched Him grow up, then go out remain sinless and people were mean to Him, then Jesus so still had compassion on human nature, He came here on an errand, to redeem us. To stop all of the sacrifice, to stop all the sin, Already God had covered the earth with water, yet had mercy on Noah because of His faith, then He gives His own son. Christ took all the sacrifice finished it, abolished by making himself a human sacrifice, For you. Freed you from the powers of Sin. He was made a mediator.. He agreed to take on the covenant of grace because of His great love, compassion and Mercy.


Vs 17,,, ‘ and He is before all things and in Him all things consisit.

Everything was created for His purpose.

IN this verse we are going to establish Jesus’ preeminense which means superior to, perfectness,above all others, outstanding
Premenisce came from the Greek word ‘proteuo’ meaning to be first in rank or influence.
The English word ‘ proto’ came from this word think of Prototype. First type, initial being)
For example: think of a car prototype, everything that comes after that should be fashioned after it. We are to be fashioned after Christ.

Vs 18 and HE is the head of the body, the church , who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead that in all things He may have preeminence.

He is the head…this shows us the significance of the church, the church is Christs body. Our bodies, make up one Body. That is why He is so jealous for us. That’s why we are enabled with gifts talents and measures, That is why we are trialed tested because He wants His body His way. Not ours! Its not our body that we are in control of we are in control of His body.. If only we could truly wholeheartedly- allow Him as the Head of the Body, Control the way His body functions.

Think about it this way… what is the first thing you see when you see someone?

Their face, Their head.
What volitale organ is in our Head?
Which controls our logic, thinking, movements, EVERYTHING.

Christ is our Head, our most prominent feature and first seen, especially as women we spend more time on our head than we do any other part of our body. That attention should be given to Christ. Do you acknowledge Christs preeminense? Do you give Him first place in all you do and think?

Yet Jesus the Christ, as our Head still allows us as His Body to not be in total control. In our human body, if one organ or function is not working or are diseased we are not fully operating.

We, as the body of Christ. We all make up this one body and each of us have to operate effectively for The Body to by fully operating.

This brings me to the question I want you to ask yourself today…

Is there part of your body that is diseased that we can control?
Is there something in your life that is not productive that is keeping “the body” being fully operative?

Monday, October 3, 2011

How long does it take for something good to happen?

As I study through The Scripture looking back at the Old Testament, Our forefather Abram..Abraham, God made a covenanant(promise)to him. (in Genesis) that the promised that HE would deliver him to the promise land. It took 4 generations for this promise to be fulfilled.

As I read through seeing that
Abraham passed this covenant(promise) down to Jacob since it wasnt fulfilled in his lifetime, then Jacob to Moses, then Moses to Joshua,

Once Joshua took over from Moses, he journeyed with them through the wilderness they were there in the wilderness for 40 years{first with Moses now with Joshua) right at the end of the journey there was literally a straight shot to the promise land, God sent them through back to the wilderness to avoid great battles they couldnt overcome. THey had to believe and have faith enough to go that way instead of using there own judgement and literally be killed. Even though they went through battles, going the long way around, God delivered them.. just as He promised..

Think about it this way:

Your daddy
Your grandad
Your great grandad

You are Joshua, your dad is Moses, Your grandad is Jacob, Your great grandad is Abraham.

Your Great grandad tells your grandad that God made him a promise, He ages and passes, then your grandad begins to age and tells your dad about this promise to be fulfilled that was told to your great grandad.. then your dad ages and tells you... Now Honestly, Would you really head this promise? Who heartedly your family has done been around the bin and back for many, many years then you actually sense that you are going to be able to fulfill this promise deliver your people from there Slavehood and you have go out of the way, instead of on the easy street literally over the river and through the woods (wilderness as it puts it in Exodus 13:17-19) just to get to the promise that was promised to your great grandad. Would you believe? Will you Believe... its impossible if we dont, but nothing is impossible WHEN we do.

Hmm... What great FAITH! And to think that we could lack in faith and effect generations and generations and generations to come.. simply because our faith isnt big enough.

So many times in our lives, we find ourselves in what appears to be this wilderness where we are just lost, cant find our way out wondering why in the world God let us get here.
Little do we know, God planned it accordingly as long as we are obiediant to where God wants us to be, in our faith its the precise plan. He might just be safeguarding us from some battle
we just arent prepared to fight. Maybe its because that battle is just to big for the small faith we have and God is afraid that we might run back to no following in His way. His will.
How comforting is it to know that amidst the trials of life, in our own wilderness that we are in that it could be so much worse. We dont know what God is saving us from. We just have to
grow our faith, allow God to stretch it just as far as He can so that we are sure we are in His will.. on His perfect path. Maybe that perfect path is going to be the long way around but what a blessing to know that when we are on that path we experiance such peace, safety, and security! Even in those times we cant see... God has already seen.

Praise God for all His wonderful measures of safety, and stretching of each of your faith as we follow in His will!

Its not just you who has to wait for these things to happen.. It happens in Gods Precise timing.. not early ... not late.. right on time

1 John 5:4 "whatever is born of God overcomes the world, this is the victory that overcomes the world OUR FAITH"

2 Corinthians 2:14 "God always delivers us to victory in Christ