Sunday, May 8, 2011

Public celebration of death -- (ie: Bin Laden)

In light of the recent events of Osama Bin Ladens death, I couldnt help but notice all of the public celebration.  Just let me say, it makes me sick that people are actually out picketing and vocally celebrating his death.  Yes, he was a terrorist the personal threat he created is gone.  In some sense, its a sense of relief for fallen victims,  But public celebration - NO!  Jesus Christ was crucified and died a horrible painful death - for me, and for you!  He rose on the third day, now that calls for celebration. Jesus died and rose so that we can be forgiven.  SO that we can go on and be forgiven.  HE dies and people speculate.  Bin Laden dies and people rejoice and question.  Good greif!  Bin Laden was just a man.  A wicked wicked man.  Jesus Christ THE SON OF GOD, perfect and sinless.... put your eyes on The Lord live in Him! 

When we make reference to the word 'death' we need to realize that those who are saved are not dead, they have simply entered into a new realm of life. To be dead...ugh... not a pleasant thought. Lost, Judged, appitamy of Judgement.

What defines wicked? Evil, morally wrong, evil in practice, sinful
What defines righteous? Attribute that implies a persons actions are justified, inherent quality of GOd, pleasing to God

When we think of righteous, we need to keep in mind James 2:14-20 it explains that faith through works, is dead.

Gods emotions are very complex, like ours only a million times more. Our emotions are not simple, and can easily intermingle. THat is why alot of us have mixed emotions on the death of Bin Laden. We find ourselves wondering, as Christians, what does God think about this?

-read Psalm 37- Its the Psalm of David and can be a warning for us.

The Old Testament mentions a lot of different celebrations after overtaking of certain places, even individuals. After studying, the celebrations mentioned these celebrations were celebrations over victory of war, victory of Gods hand at work. Isrealies were usually always fewer men, the weaker vessel. Old Testament proclimations "eye for an eye" then in the New Testament Jesus proclaims "turn the other cheek" can be confusing.
Old Testament, the Law, of God was all that was in place. Gods meaning of eye for eye meant punishment for what was due nothing more. The Old Testament mercy seat then being fulfilled by Jesus Christ, and His coming to earth to save us, living as man shows us that we are to act out of love. ( dont misunderstand this statment, keep reading)

first, Is it okay to celebrate the death of Bin Laden? Is it okay to be glad that he is dead?
Ezekial 18:32 "I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies"
Proverbs 28:5 "evil men do not understand justice but those who seek the Lord understand it completely"
now in comparison... Phillipians 1:21 " to live is Christ to die is gain"
see the difference there on how born again believers there is a difference. Death is eternal sorrow. TO be a believer is eternally life.
Chrisitians, we are saved from remaining troubles and difficulties in our life here on earth, because we have a heavenly inheritance.
Matthew 5:43-48 'love your enemy and pray for them"
Jesus made it clear we are to do as he. Therefore, there is no call for celebration.

Read ROmans 13:1-7.
Did you know that the government was put into place by GOd to restrain evil?
THat is what the verse is expaining. GOd is in control, moving and ending events in HIs time..then we rejoice.

Jeremiah 6:21 says " therefore this is what the Lord says, ' I will put obstacles before this people, fathers and sons alike will stumble over them. Neighbors and friends will perish"
Jeremiah 8:2 " they will be exposed to the sun, the moon and all the stars of Heaven which they have loved served followed consulted and worshipped, they will not be gather up or buried but will be like refuse to the ground"
Zephaniah 1:17 " I will bring distress on the people and they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord. THeir blood will be poured out like dust and their entrals like filth"

The act of killing, Bin Laden, is justifiable by the demands of the war theory. The removal of a credible threat to human life and human safety being removed. We cannot take satisfaction in the death of the enemy, this is more like revenge. This type revenge produces more enemies.

Open celebration in the streets, is not. We should be glad that the threat is removed, but death itself should never be celebrated. Such celebration points to the danger of revenge, which is a powerful human emotion. THe reason for this is simple. God, and God alone is capable of vengance - He is righteous and perfect, us humans, we are not. WE mismeasure justivfe when we settle our own claims.

Ezekial 18:32, says that GOd takes no pleasure in death. Ezekial 33:11 " I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather theat the wicked turn from his way and live."

God doesnt want to see lost human souls. God seeks repentance, reformation through the blood of Jesus. Every man comes into the world with fallen nature, a soul infected with sin whoever refuses that grace which pardons our sin and dont come to know JEsus, goes to peridition. No man can recieve more grace than is necessary to be saved through JEsus. The mercy of God in Christ which renders salvation of a sinner. THat mercy alone which can heal. We are to take no pleasure in the afflictions, calamites, and captivities of men - which are meant by death. GOd seeks repentance

God is not malicous or bloodthirsty. Death and Misery of the unrepented it of itself is not pleasing to GOd. THe death an suffering considered alone, itself is not a delight rather the rebellious, wicked unbeliving person is judged and God takes pleasure in the exaltation of his righteousness and vindication of HIs own honor, power, and glory.

Proverbs 1:25-26 "because you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof I will also laugh at your calamity."
Ezekial 5:13 "thus my anger spend itself, I will vent my fury upon them and satisfy myself"
In Deuteronomy 28:63, Moses warned Isreal that the Lord will take pleasure in bringing ruin upon them if they do not repent.

Imagine, wicked wicked men, God is in full control. He is Powerful, Soverign and full knowing. These wicked people refuse to give heed to our powerful God. THey are too caught up in themselves overlooking the supremacy of God and ignorance and avoiding the higher power they dont even have the concept of understanding. REst assure, God will be the glory. He will recieve full glory it may not come until judgement time, but when they 'die' they will see GOd is real. GOd is Powerful. And He will recieve glory.

Read Psalm 10

I have also noticed, nameless people, seeking honor for the killing of Bin Laden. The Bible warns agains a wise man seeking glory in his wisdom, the glory is in Christ. THe word speaks of bad objects of confidence, personal wisdom, and strength, and also says there will be punishment. Behold, the days are coming. (Jeremiah 9:23-25)

As the news continues with events of this mans death, we need to be in prayer against those who are against us. THere are many whos souls are dying. Are you doing your part witnessing discipling and proclaim the truths of God?

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