Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Read a new book.. 'of the i zing' is what The Holy Spirit revealed to me...

As I flip on the tv, check facebook I realize that there are so many problems in day to day life. I am utterly appaled at some of the goings on. We all have our problems.

My hubby watches Fox News, well pretty much all the time therefore I get to watch also. They were advertising Laura Ingram's new book "of the I zing" It was a must have for me, it sounded so appealing. The first few chapters I flip through and find it comical. Then I get halfway through the book, the same week I am studying and preparing for the lesson on Controlling the Tongue. Boy, did I ever get convicted. The book is about America's cultural decline. In the book she discusses everything from muffin tops to body shots, piercings, tatatoos, technology, and the fact Todays world, kiddos dont know how to talk. She has basicaly compiled a book of everything gone wrong with our country. THen it hit me, a talebearer. We are all aware of culture around us and we all have our faults. But who I am to go around pointing out flaws of those around me. And she has written it in a book, which I have spent money to read...gee.. not good. How she can still have friends is beyond me. How many people has she hurt by writing this? Can you imagine being listed with a character flaw in a book for someone to profit off of?

Moral of the story, I must apply my christian values even in my book purchases. There is nothing about this book that is going to bring glory to God. And I am very sorry that I purchased it. As I have read it and found humor in it, I have made comedy out of peoples character flaws.

Scripture clearly tells us not to judge others, not to talebear. I have clear cut allowed this to be entered into my mind...more clutter.

God tells me to clear the clutter, sanctify myself to bring glory to him.

Just goes to show, we all make mistakes. We all fall short, we all have short comings. We need to filter more than just our tongue, but what we put in our minds.

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