time... everyone these days seems to want more of it, but why?
Overscheduled, overworked, not enough time to... go to church, Sunday School, spend time with your family, time for your spouse, time for yourself, time for God... The list is endless.
As I blogged before about Strongholds, did you know that overscheduling is can be a stronghold. Its something that holds many back from experiencing the joy of God. Right?
In todays society, we find ourself in a technological age where every gadget and gizmo is readily available for us to do things faster. Thats basically the gist of most technology. Our employers want us to work harder, faster, better, be more productive. Our children have to do more, more, more, more too.
Time has become our obsession, and it has came at a high cost. We physically suffer because of our lack of time, STRESS. Lack of time can be the root of Stress. Stress- Causes many physical problems sleep disorders, memory problems, anxiety, depression.
As parents, our children suffer. They are consumed with so many activites they are sleep deprived, overwhelmed, missing their parents, no down time. Our children, are most influenced in their childhood, and guess who the most influencial person in their lives might be? Mom and Dad.
Though we may not realize we are teaching our children to be busy, and then they fall right into our shortcomings. We are already molding their minds to sense that free time is wasted time.
Proverbs 22:6 "teach your children the way they should go, when they grow old they will not depart from it"
What if our influence, our training, is wrong? Will they depart from that wrong training?
God is a giver of time, and we are too busy even for Him. Our children are too busy for Him.
IF I am driving up the road at 120mph its harder for me to stop than, say if I am driving only 60 mph, therefore if I hit something the impact is greater if I am going faster. As we increase the activities in our lives we find it harder to break away from the things that we are involved in.
I am deeply saddened to see all the kids I know so run down chaffeared from here to there and everywhere in between, hoping to spare a few minutes to hit the Mc'y D's drive thru and eat on the road. Then getting home to hurridly complete homework, shower and finally collapse into a bed.
If we reflect on a typical day, we find that you just dont have time. TIme for you and your kids, time for God, time for.. time. What does your day reveal about your priorities in life? In what areas do you spend most of your 'time'? What defines your day?
MOst peoples priorities arent where they would like them to be. If your heart yearns for your day to be differently, what dont you do it? That yearning is your desire to live your life as you were meant to live it, to have your life reflect your priorites.
What deserves the most attention in your day?
God, Family, Health, Friends, Work?
What in your day can you rearrange so that your daily life reflects your priorities.. those of your heart.
Of course, this is easier said than done.
Simplifying time, is adjusting the way you do life. Its understanding what is most important to you then allowing ourselves to do it. We have to remind ourselves that other people dont share your feelings, maybe not even your values. We simply cannot compare ourselves to someoneelse.
Once we realize where our heart wants our priorities, then we have seen the big picture and we can work to attain it. One day, one task at a time. Pray for God to reveal things to you that maybe could be cut down on, ways that you can utilize the time you have.. for His glory!
Our children, well the grow up so fast, its just unbelievable they are born one day, start school the next, then they graduate, and poof off to college... dont be so jumbled up and overscheduled that you miss these precious moments, the precious days God gives us with our blessings.
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