As we continue to study in Colossians, we come to Colossians 3:1-4, this part of Colossians Paul has moved into the practical application of the doctirne that he has been talking about in the first half of the book of Colossians.
Titus 1:16 "they profess that they know God but in works they deny Him"
Faith in Christ means being united with Christ, if we share His life we must follow His example. He cannot live in us by His spirit and permit us to live in sin.
Colossians 3:1 "if then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God"
-raised with Christ.. saved.. transformed.. have you accepted Christ? Can you pinpoint that specific moment in your life where you accepted His way and denied your own. If your answer is yes then this applies to you. If not, there is no better time than now to accept Him, repent and then follow His will.
-seated at the right .. the usage of this term 'right hand' has always got me wondering why always the right hand? I have always noticed biblically that references are commonly made to the 'right hand' but why?
right hand ranges from a direction, to the opposite of wrong, what is just or what conforms to an established standard, and to a place of honor or authority; a person of high rank who put someone on his right hand gave him equal honor with himself and recognized him as possessing equal dignity and authority.
{read Colossians 3:2-4}
There is a simple message in these verses and the message is to get of the system. Divorce yourself from the world in terms of your spiritual attitude. This section is a call to true spirituality. True spirituality is setting our affections on things above and not things on earth. Its stepping away from the world, from the vantage point of divine power, making an impact.
The day you were saved, you died with Christ. YOu were crucified with Christ. You died to the world. Christ not only died for sin taking the penalty of sin away, but died onto sin, breaking its power. This means we have victory over the old sin nature that wants to control us. We died with Christ, We live in Christ, and we are raised with Christ.
Romans 7 says you died to "eternal is not a quanity of life, its the quality of life, heavenly life" your mind literally was open to understand that God and what God does and what God wills for your life.
Romans 6:2 ' how shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein"
Phillipians 3:2 "your manner of life is in heaven" we are live human beings, and if your mind is stuck on the things of this world then you are not living up to your position in Christ.
What things of this world do you think Paul is talking about?
How hard is it for us to make that our focus? can you pinpoint certain things in your life that holds you back from making your focus on 'things above' being Christ like?
Wouldnt it be great to see things and people the way Jesus see them, We have entered into the heavenlies, as our inheritance the moment we were saved but we struggle to shove our hearts up there, dont we? We get preoccupied with all the piddle stuff, whether we are keeping up with society around us and when we are we cant really offer the world anything about a heavenly dimension because we are not too sure what it is.. yet... Then someone comes along and intimidates us about some experiance theat you can reach out and get, a kind of spirituality and we are the first ones to grab onto it because we dont really understand anything out there anyway. We have to constantly be seeking Jesus.. seeking the kingdom.
Alot of times we find our self intimidated becuase we dont spend enough time talking to Him, getting to know Him, to find out that He is all we really need. Dont be intimidated by these so called 'experiences' that you feel like you are missing out on, Colossians tells us that we are complete in Christ.. what more do we want. and that should be our answer.
Paul is telling us to give us hope so that we dont feel defeated, he is saying dont sweat the small stuff affix your eyes on the savior! if you can just get yourself up there where you belong, you wouldnt be bugged bu the rest of your 'stuff'
Making Christ our central focus and all of these other things, well they dont matter so much. Our preoccupation should be on Christ. Dont let anyone tell you you need anything else. Christ is all.
The end of verse 3, says that our life is hidden in Christ. The greek word for hidden, indicates that God has already accomplished hiding us, its already done, its already happened, at the moment of salvation. We no longer belong to the world, but to Christ. This means security and sanctification. We are in Christ, who is God , so no on can seperate us from His love. (Romans 8:31-39)
Does this mean that we are to ignore our responsibilites?? NO.
It means our motives and strength come from heaven, not earth.
How can we seek the things above? Colossians 3:2 'habitually set your mind, your attention on the things above" YOur feet are on earth but your mind should be in heaven. We are not to become so heavenly minded that we are not good for Christ on earth. Practical everyday affairs of life get their direction for Christ in heaven. Its means further, we look at earth from heavens point of in WWJD what would JEsus do thinking..
The emphasis is clear, having Christ is everything. He is the center of our resurrected life, therefore we should make Him center of out earthly responsibility. We should have a concious preoccupation of Christ.
Back in the Old Testament Numbers 13-14, as the nation of Isreal came to the border of the promise land, they refused to enter because of their stubborn unbelief, they had to wonder for 40 years in the wilderness. An entire generation died. Joshua and Caleb, were survivors two that were sent to spy and check on the promise land, how were these able to get the victory? Their minds and hearts were in that promise land, Canaan. They new that had an inheritance coming and lived in light of that promise. It was where their attention and affection were, they never gave up. We have to constantly keep our focus on our promiseland, our Canaan.. not loose focus. They werent perfect people, they feel short, we all do, but they continued to seek the things above not dwelling on situations in the world in their life.
Where is your mind today? Are you struggling wondering where your life is going? Will you ever get to peace, will you ever recieve your promise? What is it? what in your life is holding you captive, leaving you walking in your own personal wilderness? Jesus already fought this battle, and still today remains victorious. Dont despair, you have to know that today you are standing on the border of your promise land, your Canaan, if you lose hope you simply continue in the wilderness until you believe and have faith for Christ to take your hand and lead you on over that border.
Hebrews 4:16 " Let us therefore, come boldly (confidently) unto the throne of GRACE, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need"
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