Last week we discussed Job and all of his blessings we enter in to a scene change from Earth to Heaven, when the Lord and Satan are conversing.
We will look at Satans accusation and Gods challenge.
In heaven, Satan is the accuser.. On Earth he is the destroyer. The enemy of God and of good.
Where we are at now, Satan comes in making accusations against Job. Satan knows that Job is faultless, He’d just like to give a try-temptation.
My servant, Job… what an awesome title to be given from God.
Looking back at Job 1:3, comparing what God is saying about Job to what the author of this book declares about Job.
In verse 3 job considered the greatest in all of the east, which would say he was known far and wide, celebrity status.
Gods evaluation of Job is very impressive, God declares that he is blameless and upright. Yet to God, Job has no celebrity status. But Gods evaluation also says, he has no pride in his heart. ‘ no man like him ON EARTH’
Last week I ask each of you to think about this week, what you can change in your life to make you blameless. Did you think about that this week? Did you think about that factor keeping you from being ‘blameless’?
For god to refer to Job as no other man like him on earth.. can you imagine?
1:9…Satan starts his accusations….Does Job fear for nothing?
This is how we might would say it today… Look, God, talk about kid glove treatment. The man gets penthouse perks”
1 Peter 5:8
New International Version (NIV)
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The accuser continues, vs 10 “have you not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has?
A hedge: a wall, surrounding; enclosure
Breaking this down the accuser is claiming divine favoritism.
-you’ve protected his body from illness
-protected his family from harm
-and you have protected his possessions from destruction
*he has it made on everyside. The divine wall around him.
Satan is saying, you’ve blessed him like no other, why wouldn’t he worship you.
{{can you see Satans persuasiveness}}
Here is Satans prediction.. he is saying instead of treating him like an overindulged child, treat him like anybody else on earth, let him know what its like to suffer the death of a child, to lose all of his possessions, let all that hit him full force and youll see what he is made of.
The accuser, satan, is saying job is worshiping God because of what he gets out of it, not because the Lord is truly first in his life.
We can see satans persuasiveness, Satans personality here.
-He has intellect¬ because he is conversing with God.
-He has emotion because he is agnostic toward Job (remember agnostic is: A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything)
-He wants to destroy Job in hopes of disgracing God.
Satan, the accuser has a clever plan, its also unfair. Job doesn’t deserve the mistreatment.
Satan can only accuse, he cant deny Jobs righteousness
Satans only motive is selfishness
Satan accuses God that the reason Job is prosperous and blessed is because nothing is allowed to come near him for injury.
Think about this, is this accusation true for you? Can you only exist in a pleasant environment? Is God afraid to let you see adversity?
Can one who knows and loves God renounce Him?
Even though he is known as the greatest of all the east he is the best of the best, he is a servant of God… none of this is impressing to Satan.
‘you wanna know what he is really made of, quit spoiling him, take all this overindulgent stuff and his protection down, take away his comfort and you will see..he will turn on you”
Vs 12
God will not permit this accusation to fall back on himself, and not back on Job either. Satan cannot strike at God – he is pleading with God.
If God hadn’t delieverd Job after this accusation how would it be glorifying to God?
Imagine the glory God receives when Job remains upright.
God Delights In His Beloved People and Their Righteous Ways
Although, Job is given over for temptation – God puts exclusions on it.
-not a hair on that childs head can fall without Gods permission.
What Satan is here is the unintentional instrument to accomplish Gods will – Satan can do NO MORE than he is allowed to do.
- This is a good point for us to remember when trials come against us we know that The Almighty is between us + our trial.
- They will work out for His own purposes of love.
- I Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
- the word “temptation” means “temptation. ” For instance, God blocks the enemy from extending such an enticement to sin into our lives that it is too much for us to refuse it. In this verse, He further promises that when we are tempted to sin, He provides a way to resist and to escape.
Sometimes life delivers blows of a crushing nature and we stagger under the weight of the pressing load. At that point, we cast our burdens on Him (Jesus) for He cares for us. Jesus comforted His followers with these words,
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
If we exchange our burden for His yoke, the weight eases considerably, for He promises, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
In times of trial we have to remain faithful to God, Obiediant to God so that he can bear our burden. If we try to do it ourself, we can possible fail the test or trial that is handed to us.
There are 4 principals that remain true from what we have went over so far, that are true to this day;
Principle One: There is an enemy, and we encounter we cant see.. but he is real.
-Our enemy is supernatural, and we encounter him or one of his adversaries regularly, he hopes that his deceptive strategy will play tricks on your mind and weak you and bring you down. Satans desire is to ruin your testimony regardless the cost he will ruin your life . Whether it be using your family against you, your kids against you, your husband against you, an illness. Whatever it takes to break you down, he will try.
Principle Two: There are trials we endure we do not deserve, but they are permitted.
-life includes trials that we don’t deserve, but they must be endured. Gods will is an unfathomable mystery to us, we can never explain or fully understand. We can’t try to grasp the each thread of His profound plan, if we do we can easily become confused and resentful and bitter, and if that happens Satan will have won the day. We have to ACCEPT IT. Endure that trial that has been permitted by God. Nothing touches your life that has not first been passed through the hands of God. He is in full control and because He is, He has the soverign right to permit trials we don’t deserve.
Priniciple Three: There is a plan we explore we will not understand, but it is best.
- Although each segment of our life may not be fair or pleasant, it works together for good. Our percpective is VERY limited. God has a panoramic view, we see only in the pinpoint of time. Gods big picture is at work, he doesn’t feel the need nor is he obligated to explain it to us, He is God. We have to rest in the realization, that He’s Got This.
Principle Four: There are consequences we experience, we could not anticipate but they are necessary.
- Where ever we find ourself today, I am sure that you have or are going through something that is unfair. Chances are you don’t deserve what is happening. The consequences may have started to get to you, you didn’t expect any of this. What has happened is a necessary part of your spiritual growth. Yes, necessary.
At this point in scripture, Satan departs from Gods prescense. But the story isn’t over. The more the story unfolds, the more you will realize that life is not only difficult, its unfair.
One thing we have to take in closing is that we can prepare and pay closer attention to the message all through this book. We have only seen a glimpse of how things started. Although in these times when God seems silent, and you find yourself wondering if he is there, He is. And He cares.
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