Today, as I was dusting, yes.. dusting that guiet still voice starts speaking to me about dusting.
Most of us of heard to 'clear the clutter out of our lives' move those strong holds, and usually thats those large things in life that hold us back addictions, those big barriers holding us back from God. That still voice said, consider giving yourself a good dusting.
Think about this, everyday in our homes, dust gathers. Especially around those knick knacks, pictures, surfaces. We become accostom to it, and just look over it or dont pay attention to it. Those little knick knacks, well when they gather dust and they arent tended we have someone over and they cant see the beauty of the object. That particular thing that we spent time to pick out, purchase, and place carefully.
Isnt this kind of relavant to our lives as well? God spent time creating us, picking us, sent His Son to purchase us and place us carefully in the perfect place. And as we meander through life, we get dusty. Sometimes the flying dust is a poor attitude, ugly attitudes, bitterness, the great dust of self pity, anger.. the list goes on..
We need to take time to freshen ourself up, so that when we encounter others they get to see that fresh beautiful perfectly placed person that you are, the one that God created, redeemed and placed perfectly. Let that precious beautiful you shine through.. We should dust ..
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