Thursday, December 20, 2012

TIme for learning review

Recently Time4learning, offered one month free trial in exchange for my opinion for trying the site. Words cannot begin to express what a wonderful experience the last month was! As a homeschool mom, often the kids become discouraged and burn out with sitting down to do 'school'. They lack motivation because its simply not exciting. The past month they would 'do school on the computer" They woke up with great excitement and anticipation of being able to do school. I would find them in the evenings logging in to the website to do more!!! Time4Learning offers something I cannot give the kids, the good challenging activities, great graphics, and excitement in learning. I encourage all homeschoolers to give it a try!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Time4Learning review :)

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


As I went through last week, which by the way was not a good week, I struggled with my Sunday School lesson, I just couldnt get it together. Praying, wondering, waiting trying to figure out what it was that God wanted me to share. Day after day every place I turned I kept hearing, humble, humble, humble. I had started really looking into being humble, what does it really mean. Being humble, is something I struggle with being that type A (if thats what you want to call it) personality. As a child and even as I got older people I tend to be the bossy child. As I matured to find out that God had instilled that into me that it was part of my unique gifting, but finding out how to control that...thats another thing.

Being humble is the opposite of being proud. Unfortunatly, in society and in our culture we are geared toward self gratification, self glory, I deserve more, be all you can be attitude. So, where did this come from? Well, back in times the Roman Empire it was considered a virtue to be prideful and humility was seen as weakness. Strange how things in that since havent changed, but the Roman Empire fell.

One of the transliterations of the word 'humility' is tapeinorphrosune (tap-i-nof-ros-oo-nay) which actually derived from 2 words Tapeinos & Phren

Tapeinos, adjective, meaning low lying properly low, in spiritual sense 'God reliant rather than self relevant'

Phren, noun, meaning- Midriff; heart ; mind
midriff .. thats right.. the parts around your heart. Phren is actually the root of the English word, Diaphragm,
the meaning of the word including mind, is what a person really has in mind, your mindest, that insight that regulates your outward behavior.

Your diagphram is in you to regulate you, it controls your breathing.

Think of it like this, Humble, self governed, self controlled. Humility, regulating of behavior by being God reliant rather than self relevant.

Regulating, governing, controlling our hearts our minds our intellect to be lowly, being able to accept being under authority. God.

God gifted us all so much differently, we all have our own knowledge in the certain areas but we have to realize that there is much that we dont know. Pride is so hard to see in ourselves, we have to make a concious effort in making sure that we are not crossing that line of being prideful.
As a Christian, its an oxymoron for a Christian to be prideful and not humble. The grace that GOd has freely bestowed on us, we recieved freely. It was unmerited, undeserved, we had to give him nothing to recieve it. The word of God tells us that pride is a sin (Prov 21:4), its an abomination to God (Prov 16:5), and that the Lord preserves the faithful and repays the proud doer (Psalm 31:23)

Luke 18:9-14, is a perfect example of Humility vs Pride. The Pharisee is praying out thankful for not being like others, telling all that he has done.. bragging. Yet the tax collecter stands back, quiet.. humble.

Humility. a lack of false pride, modest opinion, or estimate of ones own importance or rank.

Sometimes, that one who is seeking to be esteemed dont do it intentially, they may do it thinking that they are going to recieve eternal reward for it, thinking thats how you get it. The Lord rejects it,my friend, and thats not how we reach the place of blessing and honor in the kingdom. Our service for Him, is to be selfless service. Self denying, self dedicated.. Serving God humbly, not self seeking.

We have to seek Gods grace daily, look for ways that He desires us to be, today my friend I hope that this is not a struggle for you, and I hope that if it is, this is a step to revealing that so you can work toward being that humble one God wants you to be.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dusting........ you should dust

Today, as I was dusting, yes.. dusting that guiet still voice starts speaking to me about dusting.

Most of us of heard to 'clear the clutter out of our lives' move those strong holds, and usually thats those large things in life that hold us back addictions, those big barriers holding us back from God. That still voice said, consider giving yourself a good dusting.

Think about this, everyday in our homes, dust gathers. Especially around those knick knacks, pictures, surfaces. We become accostom to it, and just look over it or dont pay attention to it. Those little knick knacks, well when they gather dust and they arent tended we have someone over and they cant see the beauty of the object. That particular thing that we spent time to pick out, purchase, and place carefully.

Isnt this kind of relavant to our lives as well? God spent time creating us, picking us, sent His Son to purchase us and place us carefully in the perfect place. And as we meander through life, we get dusty. Sometimes the flying dust is a poor attitude, ugly attitudes, bitterness, the great dust of self pity, anger.. the list goes on..

We need to take time to freshen ourself up, so that when we encounter others they get to see that fresh beautiful perfectly placed person that you are, the one that God created, redeemed and placed perfectly. Let that precious beautiful you shine through.. We should dust ..

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Next lesson in Job 2:3-13 Sometimes our friends need us to just listen and how trails effect more than just ourselves


Lets touch where we went left off last week.
Vs 3
Again, Satan presents before God. Again, God calls Job blameless and upright – at the end of the verse God is specific to say that Job still holds fast to his integrity although you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause.

“Satan answers the Lord saying SKIN FOR SKIN, yes all that a man has he will give for his life.” NASV

New Living Translation (©2007)
Satan replied to the LORD, "Skin for skin! A man will give up everything he has to save his life

V5 “However, put forth you’re your hand now and touch his bone and his flesh;
he will curse You to Your face.”

See… Satan doesn’t give up easily.
Satan is once again making accusation against Job. He is very convincing saying every man has a price. He is going to give in, He is going to turn against you God.
The way Satan looks at this he has lost all of his material possessions as well as family,
-he can raise another family
-start another business
-he is saying he still has his health and strength Let me just touch his body and take away his health and you will soon hear him curse you to your face


The words “trial” and “temptation” both come from the same Greek word peirasmos. The Greek word is translated “temptation”

Trials can become opportunities for growth of character and spiritual maturity but trials can also become temptations when we willingly disobey God and fall into sin, then blame God for enticing us.

Trials are opportunities to help us prove that our faith is genuine; they enable us to experience God in a way beyond intellectual apprehension; and they also afford an avenue for sharing testimonies with others.

2. He has faith in God

the Hebrew word that stands behind the Greek word “trials” (peirasmos) is nasah, which means to prove the quality or worth of someone or something through adversity.”
Every time the child of God is tested he is given an opportunity to prove he has faith in God.

A Christian who is victorious over trials proves that he does not only have objective faith, that is, he believes Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, it also proves that he has learned subjective faith – he puts his trust or dependence on God to overcome trials.
Without trials, there is no opportunity of demonstrating this.

Job had no idea what was goin on the heavenlies, that Satan and God were speaking of him.

Trials are An opportunity to experience God

In overcoming trials, we are offered the opportunity to experience God as the only One who can be depended upon.

For apart from God, we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5).

A Christian can know many things but intellectual knowledge is different from experiential knowledge. Knowing about God is different from knowing God. To be able to experience God is a treasure that has no substitute.

James Verse 5 gives the key to overcoming trials: the wisdom that comes from God. Nystrom rightly comments, “Wisdom is allied to understanding God’s purposes and plan and indicates a determination to live accordingly. With wisdom we perceive that what the world calls misfortune, whatever its source, is an opportunity for God to bring about His purpose.”4 Seeking after and then gaining this wisdom is another priceless experience in the Christian’s journey of going through trials.

An opportunity to have testimony

Endurance and perfection result from persevering through trials. This is not perfection according to some standard common to popular culture, but according to Christ’s standards. After overcoming trials, we can then have a testimony to share.


Having classified the situation as a “trial” means that the Christian has overcome the situation and is now a victor. Yet at the same time he recognizes that without God, he can not do anything. Trials have afforded the opportunity to depend on the Lord and He has shown that He can see us through, testifying to the truth that “we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” (Phil. 4: 13).

Job don’t know at this point what he can possibly get from this, but God does. God is going to be glorified Jobs testimony is still shared today, he obtains victory, and shows he has genuine faith.

Personal application:
*In times of trial and testing, our first question cannot be- how can I get out of this but, what can I get out of this.

In your trial what can you get out of this?

Vs 6 – So the Lord said to Satan, Behold he is in your power only spare his life”

Vs 7 Then Satan went out form the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head

Satan afflicted Job with a disease we cant identify

Verse 7 tells us boils from head to toe, verse 8 goes on to talk about persistant itching as well as degenerative changes in facial skin, disfiguration

vs 8- And he to a potsherd to scrape himself while he was sitting amoung the ashes.

Throughout the book here is a summary of what Job suffered:
Inflamed ulcerous sores, persistant itching, degenerative changes to facial skin disfiguration, loss of appetite (2:12), fears and depression(3:25), sores that burst open scab over crack and ooze(7:5); difficulty breathing (9:18) a darkening of the eyelid (16:16); foul breath (19:17); weight loss (19:20 + 33:21); continual excruciating pain (30:27); high fever with chills discoloring of skin anxiety and diarrhea (30;30) delirium sleeplessness (7:3;29:2)

All of this lasted for months. Job was the king of misery.. All of this resulted in Jobs being rejected, isolated, and relocated.

Verse 8 mentions Job sitting amoungst the ashes, this is talking about the place of the city where the trash is burnt.. The dump. Jobs appearance was so bad that he went outside the city and sat on an ash heap. The cities lead citizen now living in poverty and shame.

Complete confusion, isolation, unbearable pain and no hope for change.

Finally it starts getting to the Mrs…she is at the end of her rope so she comes to him and asks (read verse 9)
Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Thinking back to where we started God said to Satan, Job still holds fast to his integrity.verse 3
She uses Satans line ‘curse God’.verse 5
Satan can even use your spouse to get his way. Satans sitting hoping he will just say it.

Matthew 16:22-23 and Acts 21:10-14
*satan can work thru people dear to us”

Jobs wife has presented him with temptation

Temptation to turn away from God was so strong to Job because the trust is there and He loves her. Think about yourself in a situation with a spouse, how hard would it be to turn that down.
In the old testament – Adam listened to Even.. and Abraham listened to Sarah’

She is wrong, but in all fairness lets put ourself in her shoes.
- She has just lost all 10 of her children
- All of their wealth – gone she had lived in a high level of financial security and satisfaction and lifestyle
- Once she was the leading lady- she was honorable she had moments of public acknowledgment.. its gone
- Now to top it off she has lost her companion no more romance, no conversations.. nothing and all hope is lost.
- Rather than watch her husband in pain and shame she would rather him just go on and be with The Father. She is thinking if he would curse God maybe God would take him out of his pain and misery
Jobs wife thought she had it all figured out but if he followed her council it would’ve made things worse.

How often in life when we are down do we find ourselves faced with temptation?
Temptation for what seems an easy way out.
When your down and out how hard is it to avoid what seems like an out?
When life is difficult its easy to give up

This is a cross road for Job, would he choose the right or the left?

{ Faith is Living Without Scheming
{ Obeying God in Spite of Feelings, Circumstances or consequences
{ Knowing that He is work out His perfect plan

2 things Job would not give up on:
1 His faith in God
2 His integrity

That’s exactly what his wife wanted him to do. Even if God didn’t permit the evil to come into his life Job would not rebel against God by taking matters into his own hands.

Job was going to trust God and even will argue with him and not waste his sufferings or his opportunity to recieve what God had for him.

When life is difficult how easy is it to give up?
-Giving up is the worst thing we can do

Think about Christopher Colombus, if he would’ve turned back, no one would’ve blamed him. But, nobody would remember him either.

Now we look at Jobs response to the temptation the outlet his wife is offering

In times of adversity we are weakened. We are in a weakened condition we lose our objectivitiy and stability. Our discernments are skewed, our determination lags, we become vunerable.

We become afraid and don’t understand ourselves. We entertain thoughts that we would usually never consider.

As a wife, and as a friend we need to offer clear perspective wisdom and spiritual strength. As a wife we can help our husbands find their way back.

Never suggest to compromise ones integrity even if it provides temporary relief. When someone is weak and fragile its very easy for them to take in words that offer relief.

Read verse 10
“But he said to her, “you speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and no accept adversity?” “ In all this Job didn’t sin with his lips”

1.What an excellent defeat of temptation, he tells her what she is saying is foolishness. He puts it back in her court in essence what he is saying is do you think its okay to just take from God all the good things and then forsake Him when the bad stuff happens”
==Job didn’t sin in all of this

How easy would it have been to give into the temptation, take the easy way out.

This statement from Job shows his righteousness, his commitment, HIS INTEGRITY.

Job wasn’t a one sided person. Can you say that about yourself today?

We cannot just believe God, trust God walk with God, in good times. And in the bad turn to foolishness and forsake Him.

When we enter in trials, its easy to say that we wont forsake God but when you are in the midst of trial you are looking for an outlet, a fix, a bandaid so to speak. Sometimes in Gods plan, just as it is with Job this is a test, and perserverance is key.

Verse 11,12,13

Jobs three friends come from a pretty far distance, as they have heard of his troubles. Planned to go and visit him, and did. They were coming to comfort him. Its good to have a support system when we are hurting.

“a friend loveth at all times a brother is born for adversity”

They raise their voices – this is an expression of sorrow as well as the tearing of the robe.. they are grieving with him.

-casting of dust on high is also an outward sign of immense sorrow throwing it up is a cry out to heaven.. they lifted their voices..

After studing who these friends were, Elipaz was one of Esaus sons
Bildad was a son of Abraham
Job in his prosperity had made friends with them, yet they continued their friendship with him in his adversity. In Job 19:14 it will tell us that most had forsaken him.

1. They were kind to him they visited him to share in his grief
{Read James 1:27} “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep onself unstained by the world”

If done in good principle would be recompensated {Matt 25:36-37)”Naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visted me; I was in prision, and you came to me then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, our thirsty and give you something to drink? And when did we see you a stranger and invite you in or naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison, and come to you? The king will answer and say to them ‘truly I say to u to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of mine even the least of them you did it to me’

By visting our friends that are hurting we may aide them in improving their situation we encourage them¸some good word spoken may help ease their discomfort.

We also look upon them and are made wise and receive instruction for our own life sake.

Jobs friends didn’t come out of curiosity but to mourn with him
{Psalm 41:6-8} “And when he comes to see me he speaks falsehood his heart gathers wickness to himself when he goes outside he tells it. All who hate me whisper together against me; against me they divise my hurt, saying a wicked thing is poured out upon him when he lies down he will not rise up again’

-they came on their own accord, they weren’t sent
-they made an appointment to come
-they came together with one reason a unanimous goal

Then they see he is so disfigured and disformed, they wept aloud. They sat with him wordless, for the circumstance Job is in what could they say to make the situation easier to bear?

They sat with him for 7 days silent. They humbled themselves in the same uneasy posture as Job.

Sometimes, our friends don’t need our advice, they just need our company.

We should be friends, devoted friends staying and offering godly wisdom not out of the wrong ill intentions.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are you Ready to make a Resoution? Resolution for Women Small Group

A resolution that challenges you to realign your daily decision in a way that glorifies God and fulfills who He created you to be. Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shrier

Small Group - Bible/Book Study starts Thursday February 23rd 7PM @Panera Bread Company

If you would like to participate in this small group,we would love to have you, let me know if you plan to attend.

By completing this study your are making a pledge to become everything these pledges are meant to accomplish. Your not promising to be perfect but, rather you are making a commitment simply to begin - to journey forward in the direction that particular resolution is pointing you.

1. I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it.
2. I will champion Gods model for womanhood in the face of a post feminist culture. I will teach it to my daughters and will encourage its support by my sons.
3. I will accept and celebrate my uniqueness, and will esteem and encourage the distinctions I admire in others.
4. I will live as a woman answerable to God and faithfully commited to His word.
5. I will seek to devote the best of myself, my time, and my talents to the primary roles the Lord has entrusted to me in this phase of my life.
6. I will be a woman who is quick to listen and slow to speak. I will care about the concerns of others and esteem them more highly than myself.
7. I will forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.
8. I will not tolerate evil influences even in the most justifible form, in myself or my home, but will embrace and encourage a life of purity.
9. I will pursue justice, love mercy, and extend compassion toward others.
10. I will be faithful to my husband and honor him in my conduct and conversation in order to bring glory to the name of the Lord.I will aspire to be a suitable partner for himn to help him reach his God-given potential.
11. I will demonstrate to my children how to love GOd with all their hearts, minds, and strength, and will train them to respect authority and live responsibly.
12. I will cultivate a peaceful home where everyone can sense Gods prescense not only through acts of love an service but also through the pleasent and greatful attitude which I perform them.
13. I fully resolve to make todays decision with tommorows impact in mind. I will consider my current choices in light of those who will come after me.

Are you ready to make the Resolution Revolution?

BOoks available at Lifeway Book Stores

Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shrier

Monday, February 6, 2012 to get out

How often are we so caught up in our own 'self' our accomplishments, our strongholds (you know that thing that you cant live without), our pride, our burden that we cant see the forest for the trees?

Seems like the walls are caving in then the roof starts to collapse. Ever been there? Why is it when the walls are caving in we cant muster up enough courage to 'get out'?

You know who that person is, maybe its you.. you just want to scream loudly GET OUT FOR CRYING OUTLOUD.

This person has allowed this collapse to take over and control their life. Yea, I said it.. you allowed it. The thing is God allows things to happen in our lives, to see how we perservere. To test our faith, to see if we are faithful to Him. He already knows, but just as Satan approached the throne of God asking to test Job, God cant give up on His children that easily, its all about His glory. How can God get glory if everything is perfect all the time?

You see, you come to a place where a decision has to be made, unfortunatley we all make the wrong decisions at times, thankfully our graceful God is forgiving, understanding, and compassionate, but we need to ask ourselves why did I make that decision. Why did it fail so miserably. The decision I have made to let my faith dwindle, the decision I have made to stay couped up and isolated, the decision to let my illness, my problem control my life. What is God trying to teach me in this.

Refocus. Put your mind on God. Use your mind to place you before God. Turn your thoughts your fears your hurts and devote them and yourself entirely to Him.

2 Corinthians 10:5 "bring every thought into captivity to the obediance of Christ.."

Your faith and the Spirit of God must work together to achieve this. You have to surrender yourself, surrender your burden to Jesus just as He has already done for us. He surrendered His life.

Most of the time in our decisions, we fail to ask God where He wants this to go, then in that instance we do we lack in perserverance.

What is perserverance? Its endurance. Endurance combined with assurance and certainty. Certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen.

When we find ourself in this mess that we just cant seem to discern, its essential we step back talk to God, and perservere. Not just hang on and do nothing. Refuse to believe that we are going to be conquered by what is holding us back. We have to push ourselves, press forward knowing that God will not be defeated.

Jesus stood for love, justive,forgiveness, kindness and will never be defeated. Devot yourself to change, the change God desires for you. Let that person you see in the mirror, be the person God designed you to be. You have a choice.. remain powerless or go to the Father and recieve the promise of the Spirit.. His power. If youre saved its in you and ready to be released, you just have to ask.

Mark 8:34 "if anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me"

Take your burden, your weariness, your stronghold, that thing holding you captive hang it up today, deny yourself, and the Spirit come through you. Get out.. today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Job Lesson 2 - Satan's accusation Gods challenge

Last week we discussed Job and all of his blessings we enter in to a scene change from Earth to Heaven, when the Lord and Satan are conversing.

We will look at Satans accusation and Gods challenge.

In heaven, Satan is the accuser.. On Earth he is the destroyer. The enemy of God and of good.

Where we are at now, Satan comes in making accusations against Job. Satan knows that Job is faultless, He’d just like to give a try-temptation.


My servant, Job… what an awesome title to be given from God.

Looking back at Job 1:3, comparing what God is saying about Job to what the author of this book declares about Job.

In verse 3 job considered the greatest in all of the east, which would say he was known far and wide, celebrity status.

Gods evaluation of Job is very impressive, God declares that he is blameless and upright. Yet to God, Job has no celebrity status. But Gods evaluation also says, he has no pride in his heart. ‘ no man like him ON EARTH’

Last week I ask each of you to think about this week, what you can change in your life to make you blameless. Did you think about that this week? Did you think about that factor keeping you from being ‘blameless’?

For god to refer to Job as no other man like him on earth.. can you imagine?

1:9…Satan starts his accusations….Does Job fear for nothing?

This is how we might would say it today… Look, God, talk about kid glove treatment. The man gets penthouse perks”

1 Peter 5:8
New International Version (NIV)
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The accuser continues, vs 10 “have you not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has?

A hedge: a wall, surrounding; enclosure

Breaking this down the accuser is claiming divine favoritism.
-you’ve protected his body from illness
-protected his family from harm
-and you have protected his possessions from destruction
*he has it made on everyside. The divine wall around him.

Satan is saying, you’ve blessed him like no other, why wouldn’t he worship you.
{{can you see Satans persuasiveness}}

Here is Satans prediction.. he is saying instead of treating him like an overindulged child, treat him like anybody else on earth, let him know what its like to suffer the death of a child, to lose all of his possessions, let all that hit him full force and youll see what he is made of.

The accuser, satan, is saying job is worshiping God because of what he gets out of it, not because the Lord is truly first in his life.

We can see satans persuasiveness, Satans personality here.
-He has intellect¬ because he is conversing with God.
-He has emotion because he is agnostic toward Job (remember agnostic is: A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything)
-He wants to destroy Job in hopes of disgracing God.

Satan, the accuser has a clever plan, its also unfair. Job doesn’t deserve the mistreatment.

Satan can only accuse, he cant deny Jobs righteousness
Satans only motive is selfishness
Satan accuses God that the reason Job is prosperous and blessed is because nothing is allowed to come near him for injury.
Think about this, is this accusation true for you? Can you only exist in a pleasant environment? Is God afraid to let you see adversity?

 Can one who knows and loves God renounce Him?

Even though he is known as the greatest of all the east he is the best of the best, he is a servant of God… none of this is impressing to Satan.

‘you wanna know what he is really made of, quit spoiling him, take all this overindulgent stuff and his protection down, take away his comfort and you will see..he will turn on you”

Vs 12
God will not permit this accusation to fall back on himself, and not back on Job either. Satan cannot strike at God – he is pleading with God.

If God hadn’t delieverd Job after this accusation how would it be glorifying to God?

Imagine the glory God receives when Job remains upright.
God Delights In His Beloved People and Their Righteous Ways

Although, Job is given over for temptation – God puts exclusions on it.
-not a hair on that childs head can fall without Gods permission.

What Satan is here is the unintentional instrument to accomplish Gods will – Satan can do NO MORE than he is allowed to do.
- This is a good point for us to remember when trials come against us we know that The Almighty is between us + our trial.
- They will work out for His own purposes of love.
- I Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
- the word “temptation” means “temptation. ” For instance, God blocks the enemy from extending such an enticement to sin into our lives that it is too much for us to refuse it. In this verse, He further promises that when we are tempted to sin, He provides a way to resist and to escape.

Sometimes life delivers blows of a crushing nature and we stagger under the weight of the pressing load. At that point, we cast our burdens on Him (Jesus) for He cares for us. Jesus comforted His followers with these words,
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

If we exchange our burden for His yoke, the weight eases considerably, for He promises, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

In times of trial we have to remain faithful to God, Obiediant to God so that he can bear our burden. If we try to do it ourself, we can possible fail the test or trial that is handed to us.

There are 4 principals that remain true from what we have went over so far, that are true to this day;
Principle One: There is an enemy, and we encounter we cant see.. but he is real.
-Our enemy is supernatural, and we encounter him or one of his adversaries regularly, he hopes that his deceptive strategy will play tricks on your mind and weak you and bring you down. Satans desire is to ruin your testimony regardless the cost he will ruin your life . Whether it be using your family against you, your kids against you, your husband against you, an illness. Whatever it takes to break you down, he will try.

Principle Two: There are trials we endure we do not deserve, but they are permitted.
-life includes trials that we don’t deserve, but they must be endured. Gods will is an unfathomable mystery to us, we can never explain or fully understand. We can’t try to grasp the each thread of His profound plan, if we do we can easily become confused and resentful and bitter, and if that happens Satan will have won the day. We have to ACCEPT IT. Endure that trial that has been permitted by God. Nothing touches your life that has not first been passed through the hands of God. He is in full control and because He is, He has the soverign right to permit trials we don’t deserve.

Priniciple Three: There is a plan we explore we will not understand, but it is best.

- Although each segment of our life may not be fair or pleasant, it works together for good. Our percpective is VERY limited. God has a panoramic view, we see only in the pinpoint of time. Gods big picture is at work, he doesn’t feel the need nor is he obligated to explain it to us, He is God. We have to rest in the realization, that He’s Got This.

Principle Four: There are consequences we experience, we could not anticipate but they are necessary.

- Where ever we find ourself today, I am sure that you have or are going through something that is unfair. Chances are you don’t deserve what is happening. The consequences may have started to get to you, you didn’t expect any of this. What has happened is a necessary part of your spiritual growth. Yes, necessary.

At this point in scripture, Satan departs from Gods prescense. But the story isn’t over. The more the story unfolds, the more you will realize that life is not only difficult, its unfair.

One thing we have to take in closing is that we can prepare and pay closer attention to the message all through this book. We have only seen a glimpse of how things started. Although in these times when God seems silent, and you find yourself wondering if he is there, He is. And He cares.

Job - Lesson 1 - Who was Job

The book of Job is a book that is a lot of times over looked by most, its seen as a book of suffering. This
Book and the study of Job himself is very useful to most of us today to help us understand that we are not alone in trials and times of suffering. It gives us a glimps of Gods perspective on our suffering. We are often overwhelmed by self pity, and want an explination for why god allows trials to happen to us.

The author of the book is not known for sure the consensus says Job himself wrote it, moses, or Soloman.

Geographically: Job is from UZ, Uz is not an existant city today. Noone knows the exact place where it was for sure it is believe to lie west of Babylon and East of Palestine (Saudi Arabia area). The country had fertile grazing lands, with desert near, and rock. The geographical location is pretty insignificant to our study in Job, the book plunges into narrative immediately.

We do know from biblical/historical records that the culture in UZ they believed in God, our Yaewah, God. We know this because later in the book Job had 3 friends visit and they had discussions about God.

The land of Uz had an agricultural ecomony, just as it did in Canaan with Abraham
If we could sum up the book of Job in 3 words it would probably be life is difficult.
Start by reading Job 1:1

Job was blameless which means without fault, innocent
Upright, this is describing his relationship with others. meaning upstanding, honest – straight forward, he handled his business dealings with integrity, keep his word, and dealt fairly with others, as a result he was respected by those around him. .. The word upright in Hebrew translates to mean straight.

He was blameless by humans this doesn’t mean sinless before God.

Romans 7:25 Paul knew what he was suppose to do and not suppose to do, Paul couldn’t go through life without sin and we cant either, 1john also tells us that if we say we are sinless, we are wrong. Therefore he wasn’t.

Psalm 101:6 “my eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me, he who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister me”

--feared God –
• Proverbs 111:10 & 9:10 tells us that he fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
• Proverbs 1:7 Beginning of knowledge
So this tells us that he was wise, and knowledgeable, he respected God.

Fearing God also tells us that Job had the right relationship with God and was motivated to turn away evil, or overcome temptation.

How can we today turn away from evil? this would mean not partaking in ungodly discissions or when that filth is on TV that is ungodly, you turn it off - Psalm 101:3 ‘ I will set no thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away it shall not fasten its grip on me’

Job reverenced god, God was His front and center.. just as he should be for us

READ 1:2

What does the #7 mean in scripture?
Completeness. 7 sons show us that Job was complete. Mideast during this time it was a sign of Gods blessing.
(we will discuss his children later on)

Read 1:3

Being that the Economy in Uz was an agricultural based economy, a persons wealth was shown by their livestock. Job was well to do. Today he would be equivelant to Bill Gates Donald Trump Oprah.. all in one.

Lets breakdown the riches, in todays time, US Currency.

7,000 sheep x $250.00 each = $1,750,000.00
--Jobs having sheep he probably sold wool and the sheep provided food for him
3,000 camels x $5000.00 each = $15,000,000.00
--Here locally I know they are rented for 1 night at $500.00
Jobs having such a large amount of camels tells us that it was kind of a trucking business, he probably ran caravans for hire as well as they were his personal mode of transportation.
500 yokes of oxen, it takes at least 2 oxen to make a yoke, so
1,000 oxen x $4000.00 each = $4,000,000.00
500 female donkies x $500.00 each = $250,000.00
 Female donkies are worth more still today they are a pack mule if you want to call it that, back then they were worth more because they were the delicacy of the day – donkey milk.

Total Liquid assets in Livestock mentioned; $21,000,000. 21 million dollars.

So we have established that Job is very wealthy, he has 10 children.

Read vs 4.

Verse 4 being that the siblings are eating and drinking together, # they get along, #2 they are obviously grown, which means no diapers no toddlers going around. They were in a time of celebration. Job had it made. There was no one criticizing him because he was a good man, and there was nothing to criticize.


By offering 10 burnt offerings for each of his children, that tells us that he had a deep concern for their hearts, concerned that they may have a bit of disobiediance in their hearts. Job was spiritually sensitive, not just with his own life but with his childrens. A praying father. A faithful man. He had concerns valid upstanding concerns for the hearts of his children.

Now verse 6, if this were a theatrical performance.. the curtains would close and there would be a pause. The entire scene changes. Verses 1-5 are full of Jobs blessings, good news, and a great life.

Read vs 6.
Job knows nothing about what is going on. Similar things happen in our life as well. When were not aware of it, God is carrying out a plan that would amaze us and occasionally, shock us. God is permitting things to get underway that we don’t know about that we don’t expect. Without Jobs knowledge, something is happening in the heavenlies.

Lets look at something here:
Verse 1:1 starts with ‘there was a man.
Now look at verse 1:6 ‘there was a day’

There was a man who lived on earth, there was a day in the throne room of God.

Between these verses we are taken from the familiar day to day life on earth , to the unfamiliar scene of God in heaven.

In verse 6, the sons of God came to present themselves .. who is this talking about?
-his angelic servants.. angels.. they came to present themselves before Him, to tell him what they have observed and get new orders. Some philosphers think that this was a band of angels that were protecting Job.
-why do you think they are referred to as sons of God?
In translations both Hebrew and greek the sons of God are Jehovahs messengers.

-He is THE FATHER TO THE SPIRITS, He is the Father to mankind as well however man is linked to the human body, where angelic beings arenot they have nothing to do with sin. In resurrection we.. Luke 20:36 “for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of resurrection”

Now, what do you think about Satan presenting before God?
- Satan can still have access to God, He walks the earth as well. However, Satan has went to God for permission. He is conversing with God.
- Revelation 12:7-12 tells us that Satan will be cast out of heaven and earth and bound to hell for 1000 years, then will be out for tribulation and then receive his eternal retribution.(rev 20:10)
This is such a picture of how great Gods patience are. He has tolerated Satans schemeing and even let him tempt our first parents adam and eve, then He is still on his accusing destroying path. To think that even Satan, must go before the throne of grace even before battering and torchering us.. we have a big soverign God.

The Hebrew text identifies, Satan in this verse HAA-SahTahn meaning ‘the satan’,
What does it mean? SahTahn is a Hebrew word, it’s a verb form word, meaning to be adversary, to resist. Therefore we get the accuser or adversary. Satan accuses Gods people day and night.

Satan is that little red devil with the pitchfork that we picture in our head. He is the most attractive brilliant powerful archangel that God ever created. HE hasn’t lost his brilliance, power or appealing beauty. Satan likes to work behind the scenes, because he is invisible, doesn’t mean he is not real. We will see in later scripture, he has personality. He is in constant commitment to destroy Gods people and oppose Gods plan.

Vs 7.

God asks Satan from where does he come, God knew for he is omniscient (allknowing) God knows everything. It could be worded for our understanding ‘tell me what you’ve been about, whats been going on?”

Satans answer is brief. “roaming the earth’ he moves all about the earth as do his demonic forces, he has random access to wherever he wishes to go. The earthly elements that hold us in do not effect him he is supernatural. He can move from asia to America instantly. When he says ‘ive been roaming around the earth” he means that, literally.

Friday, January 13, 2012


How often in our lives are we devastated? Disappointed?

Everyone has experienced some state of disappointment, some sort of being devastated. The scariest part of being in this is it can lead us into despair, depression, and sin. Yes sin. We are so involved in our despair our pain that we look for outlets for comfort, we get caught up in our own situations thinking that we just cant get through this.

God is in control. God has a plan. He already knows the path you will chose for your life, its no surprise for Him. As I study Job, bless his heart, he did nothing to deserve pain or despair, matter of fact he did the opposite. He was righteous and obiediant to God. Satan approached God, God gave Satan permission to test Job. He lost his family, his wealth, even his health. One thing Job did that in our trials and devastations in life we rarely do, Job continued to trust God. He didnt allow the gloom and doom to get the best of Him, and God rewarded Him. Double.

Most of the time when we come to the cross roads in life of these trials we give in to the trial, it gets the best of us. We lose the courage to trust that God is still in Control and that He is able to pull us through. Before long, we easily can find ourself in so much sin... Our God is a compassionate God, He doesnt harbor anger as we do and :HE is forgiving. Micah 7:18-19 tells us just that.

Psalm 126 tells us that what we sew in tears we will reap in sheaves of joy.

We have to move past our devastation or disappoinments, go toward where God wants for you to be. Dont loose focus that God is God. He is the Almighty, the Maker of all things, Higher than all others.. He is not just some person that we can throw around. He is KING. We have to stopped whining around get up and do something about our devastation. Start by asking Him what He desires for you to do, where He wants for you to start. God blesses our obiediance. But we cant simply pick Him up when its convienant. We must trust in God, rely on Gods promise.

We are not worthy of Gods abundant grace and Mercy and often when God tries to bless us we just find ourself in disbelief, just like David. 2 Samuel 7 27-29 David confesses to God and finally has the courage to recieve what God is offering him.

Go to God, confess to Him where you have fallen short, ask Him to open the eyes of your heart so that you can hear what you can do for Him.

God blesses Obiediance. Make a choice to walk past your disappointments, have the courage to get up, and walk.